2022-09-07 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes

2022-09-07 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes


  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Erika Quintana

  • @Tamara Pilko

  • @Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator

  • @Maria Figueroa

  • @Angelica Felix

  • @Sherry Lochhaas

Not attending:

  • @Lisa Mackinder

  • @Caitlin Nelson , project champion

Meeting Recording List


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Facilitator intro










  • Sandbox issues will probably persist through this month

  • Started initial conversation with UCSD. Clarified that we mainly need accounts payable to work. Receivable would be nice but not expected.




Review Questions for CDL/UCSD Finance with Sherry




Review and refine what we have so far. Any additional thoughts?

Think about this a couple of days and then Gem or Sherry will contact the UCSD people on our current thread about Oracle implementation.








Work on funds

Draft some suggestions of naming convention and organization (such as Summary funds). Show they’ll be used in the Alma NZ.

  • CDL may not need summary funds, particularly if CDL funds are in a separate ledger.

  • Transaction activity happens is at the allocated fund level. Summary fund is just a bucket useful for organization and reporting. Can also export at each level. May be able to use summary funds to batch change allocations underneath.

  • Ex Libris Documentation

  • CDL look into fund codes a bit more and decide what makes sense

EOY reporting needs for funds? In funds and ledgers there is an export in Alma which might better than Analytics.

Review a payments and projection doc again and see if we can figure out where the data would live in Alma.

  • Order# - some current ones are from Millennium and the newer ones start with G and are based on the year.

    • Alma order numbers are created automatically.

    • Historical order# could potentially be put in a note (which are keyword searchable but you can pull up more than you want)

    • Order# is linked to pay doc, which may not exist in its current form anymore.

    • po_line_prefix in config>Acq>General>Other Settings to adjust how those auto-generated POLs can look. Default is POL-####

  • Tier -

  • Category is essential - PO Line Type or as a reporting code

    • Need to look and see if category can cleanly map to PO Line type. Look at Config>Acq>Purchase Orders>PO Line Type if not reporting code

    • Looks like currently this is containing multiple type of information such as funds and types.

    • Migration management may be tricky.

  • Category_CDL - was for reporting purposes

    • Config>Acq>General>Fund types (to designate diff types of funds in your funds/ledgers) - to support reports

  • CDL might need to have further conversation about the difference between “Category” and “Category_CDL”

    • Some might end up being multiple POLs. For example, category might be for campus and category_CDL might be for CDL.

  • Notes - probably maps straight to a note in Alma

  • Most everything else looks like POL data, including decision deadline.

  • Status - some of these don’t change but some dot.








Parking Lot / Overflow




Tuesday meeting: Talk about Vendors

Best Practice: How long to wait for collection to show in CZ vs creating local record? Inventory subteam will look and probably send to Eres for further discussion.

Vanderbilt integrated with Oracle and did a presentation on it.

For reference: Out of Office/Vacation Schedule



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