2022-08-10 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes

2022-08-10 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes



  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Erika Quintana

  • @Tamara Pilko

  • @Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator

  • @Angelica Felix

  • @Maria Figueroa

  • @Sherry Lochhaas

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson , project champion

  • @Lisa Mackinder

Meeting Recording List


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Facilitator intro




FYI, Gem needs to leave at 11:00.


Subteam changes




Need to make some temporary adjustments to the subteam. Or, is it better if we don’t try to do subteams and just all work together?

Would together but as people are testing they submit to slack for testing buddy if needed.

When NZ adds a note/Attachment to the vendor record, it doesn’t appear in IZ. However, the code change and vendor type do change in the IZ.

IZ notes and attachments on NZ vendors are not overwritten locally and don’t appear in the NZ.

IZs were able to Edit Global Attributes and make change to the vendor record which then distributed to the rest of the IZ. This looks like it only requires Vendor Manager. However, CDL vendor records should not edit the global attributes in the IZs regardless of ability.

Edit shared attributes - can edit name, financial system code, and type.

When the NZ distributed a vendor record, interface, notes, and attachments weren’t shared (possible other fields may not share as well, that we didn’t have data in to test). A change to the vendor status (active->inactive) was not shared.

An IZ can instantaneously share/contribute a vendor with the NZ without running a distribution job. This did not share the IZ data for their usage, interface, or contacts with the NZ. The record is then considered a NZ-managed vendor (campuses could still use it locally but can’t delete it).

If the NZ deletes a vendor entirely (unlikely), the vendor record will remain in the IZ but appear localized/not shared anymore.

Inventory will look at an additional time to meet. And currently focus on ledger/funds in the bigger meetings.

CDL has work and cleanup that needs to be done in the vendor records. Just look into some behavioral testing as a group.




 Distribute Network Acquisitions Changes to Members in the Sandbox




Possible scenarios to test:

First time IZs got shared licenses but not vendors. However, it looks like we probably had a date in acq_distribute_changes_last_run which prevented the vendors from distributing. Erased that date, reran and it worked.

With NZ Shared vendors, the Financial System code is grayed out and IZs can’t change it.

  • If we shared vendors and then changed vendor codes or names, and then shared again. Would they update, or would changing a code count as a "new" vendor? What happens if we deleted a vendor (can we even) - is it deleted from the campuses?

  • License testing




Parking Lot / Overflow




Come back by Labor Day with more info around the outstanding questions.

Best Practice: How long to wait for collection to show in CZ vs creating local record? Inventory subteam will look and probably send to Eres for further discussion.

Vanderbilt integrated with Oracle and did a presentation on it.

Status Report

  • What we’ve done.

  • Can any pain points be addressed immediately and, if not, what’s the plan

Upcoming Dates

July 27 - plan to meet as individual groups

August 2-3 - subgroups may meet individually

For reference: Out of Office/Vacation Schedule




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