2021-04-16 Meeting notes

2021-04-16 Meeting notes


Apr 16, 2021

Zoom link in Outlook Calendar invitation.

Notetaker: @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed)


  • @Kevin Balster UCLA (Voyager)

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Catherine Busselen UC Santa Barbara (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Ryan Finnerty UC San Diego (Millennium)

  • @Kathleen Garvey-Clasby (Unlicensed) California Digital Library/SCP (Millennium)

  • @Joshua Chaim Hutchinson (Unlicensed) UC Irvine (Alma/Primo)

  • @TJ Kao UC Davis (co-chair) (Alma/Primo)

  • @Cathleen Lu UC San Francisco (Millennium)

  • @Eileen Pinto (Unlicensed) UC Berkeley (Millennium)

  • @Erika Quintana UC Riverside (Alma/Primo)

Not attending

@Sarah Sheets UC Merced (WMS)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Share short pieces of need-to-know information

5 min


Kate: SCP might be migrating significantly fewer bibs for Go-live than Test. Some packages not migrating: Naxos, Early American Imprints, etc. that will be turned on in CDI. Estimate is
1/3 less to 1/3 total of what was migrated for test.
Special Elsevier file will be distributed ~1,000 new titles

Catherine: Provided estimated counts for the existing Alma campus SCP/Marcive cleanup on Basecamp ticket for UCSB, UCI, UCR, UCD. Marcia will get counts for UCSC and add to Basecamp ticket.










@Marcia Barrett Marcia will get counts for UCSC and add to Basecamp ticket.

RMFG and AEFG Decisions


15 min



Catherine: Document In the process of being approved; should be today(?)
TJ: standalone collection query
"Electronic portfolio , standalone = yes"
for future updating, best thing is to link to a CZ portfolio
Eileen: how does the AEFG CDL PO workflow investigation interact with the SCP-CDL PO bib migrating as suppressed>
Catherine/Erika: this decision would probably be for ongoing, not for migration, given the timing. So any cleanup would be post-go-live, not before.


Update on Day 1 post migration data cleanup document

Groups summarize/bring anything up that needs further discussion or clarification

20 min



Review document

Use same breakout group framework as before. Work on these before our next meeting on 4/30 so we can discuss.

  • look at outstanding tasks (TJ has done this and assigned)

  • come up with DC strategy

  • test out recommendation for cleanup. Tests should be done by a different sub-group than the one that suggested the cleanup strategy.



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