2020-04-23 Meeting notes
Apr 23, 2020 2-2:30 pm
@Tom Bustos , co-chair
@Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair
@Ramon Barcia
@Susan Boone
@Greg Ferguson
@Lynne E. Grigsby
@Robin Gustafson (Unlicensed)
@Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed)
@Jeremy Hobbs
@Gillian Keleher
@Sarah Lindsey
@Caitlin Nelson
@Alison Ray (CDL)
Not attending
@Alison Elizabeth Regan (Unlicensed) (on bereavement)
Future agenda items
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Check-in / Logistics | Report any major changes in availability / circumstances | 10 | Chairs | business as usual! Nothing major to report…
| ICs will name their backup here: Contingency Backup contacts by Apr 30, 2020 |
2 | ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups | ICs know how it’s going with these groups | 10 | Caitlin | ILS DC: Already going from Phase 3, very strong, no needs yet.
| @Caitlin Nelson slack the link to the sample form to the ILSDC and Patron Data groups. Caveat: this is a SAMPLE, and we wouldn’t do it this way again. @Caitlin Nelson Ask Maria to upload the migration forms to Basecamp |
3 | Timeline review | Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines | 10 | Caitlin | Basecamp scheduled items: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/schedules/2379093803
| Basecamp ToDo’s will remain one per IC Team, individually assigned to all IC’s. When done, IC’s will post a comment “done” and remove their name from Assigned To list. Or, @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) will do this after the “done” comment is posted. | @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) remove assignments from GTKA training ToDo’s in Basecamp for IC’s that are done @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed) assign IC’s to the “Getting Ready” Resources ToDo’s in Basecamp |
4 | 3rd party integration forms | Review the form together, get any questions documented | 20 | Chairs | Prioritize the more important pieces: authentication, SIS. <vent> Guidelines are lacking! </vent> Question: do their APIs cost anything if we use them for SIS later?
Spine labeling - May 29th deadline
| IC’s reply to Caitlin’s post the #ic channel in slack “Weekly Slack "what do you want to know from the Alma/Primo campuses?" thread. Reply with your topic and "thumbs up" here by EOD Tuesday.” Apr 28, 2020 |
5 | Network Zone investigation | Start to plan for how we want to educate ourselves about the Network Zone, in anticipation of answering ExL config questions | 30 | Caitlin | Collaborative Decision Making to-do in basecamp
Q: Are all NZs the same? “when you’ve talked to one consortium, you’ve talked to one consortium.” Preread? What other resources are there? How do we know what questions we have?
| @Caitlin Nelson assign consortia read in Basecamp, with due date Apr 30th |
6 | Other / Homework |
| 10 |
7 |
| TOTAL | 90 / 90 |
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu