2020-06-10 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2020-06-10 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


Jun 10, 2020 11AM-12:30


See calendar item or inquire with Chair for Zoom details.


  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Lisa Spagnolo , UC Davis (chair)

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz (timekeeper)

  • @Holly Eggleston (Unlicensed) , California Digital Library (notetaker)

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Not attending

Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Getting settled, reviewing agenda





Admin Items

  • Action Item Checks



Lisa S doing review of confluence space for publicity review and also general cleanup (RACI, etc)

Lisa S will record meetings when partial attendence

Moved open questions off meeting minutes (where did these go?)

Basecamp archiving (general from multiple points):






What do we do with questions we have but it's not the right time to ask.





Decision: Archive original Basecamp thread, post any followups as new thread.

Decision: Followup thread should reference source of initial answer.

Decision: Retain Google Doc.












ACTION: Lisa S start spreadsheet for tracking queued questions.

Updates: specifically from PPC

Shared understanding of PPC activities, including what is routing to our FG.



  • New decision page template for vanguard-specific decisions.

  • New Tempalte for Test Plan items

  • PPC recommendation for who should have Alma/Primo certified. Didn't discuss FG specifically. It may be useful, very in depth. Approx 12 hrs. (Eres information in fulfillment section). Certification is for systemwide.

  • Possible TF/FG for configuration of NZ - who determines NZ configuration policies if more than CDL and CDL's data. How would AEFG participate?

  • CDL meeting with ExL is scheduled for next Tuesday, have some P2E and AE question overlap.

  • UC/ExL reassessing dates for migration/data. No updates posted. Continue to make progress in interim.



Lisa S. will followup on whether there is a benefit to having SCP data in ILS records. And clarify how IZ records link to the NZ. / 5/27
ACTION: FG asked to finalize vision statements and post to wiki - Lisa S prepare for next meeting review
ACTION: Lisa check on details of certification process - are these materials available to us now.



Follow-up from 6/3 Ex Libris Call

Debrief for follow-up items from ExL- Q&A 6/3 - determining actions needed between now and 6/10



Review Q&A and responses for any additional information needed.

Q&A Copy from Basecamp w/ Responses

Decision: Archive 6/3 Q&A and we'll follow up in separate thread as needed

ACTION: all what followup needed from our Q&A?



Decision Page - Vendors Discussion

Approve closure of ILSDC Vendors Decision Page; Develop migration-related Vendors Decision Page (to route to IC)



Decision Page Vendor Records in the Network Zone

360RM Tutorial

Sharing Vendor Info in NZ (ExL doc)

NEW: Vendor Data for Migration to Test Global Vendor File in Vanguard

Discussing Vendor Data:

CDL would load all vendors, use suffix to prevent unintentional matching.

CDL share all vendors to all campuses

Would identify subset (1 or 2) of vendors for IZ to link to.

Looks like proposal is only for a subset of campuses to link to selected vendor. Should all vanguard campuses link to same vendors? Would make more sense for how we'd apply this as a policy?

Q: If we wish to use NZ vendors, does an institution migrate the same vendor code in their vendor file?

Q: If we use an NZ vendor, does an institution migrate their POL w/the NZ vendor code in the POL vendor code field?

Q: Followup from 6/3 - ExL response to Q8. Their recommended workflow says not to share the vendor. Why not? This feeds back to our core vendor question of "what do we gain by sing shared vendors, what do we lose if we do not"

360RM - CDL, UCLA, UCSB (only uses PRV prefixed vendors for holding Sushi credentials)
How does 360RM match specifically?


Decision: Close for decision, acknowledge more specific discussion continuing

Everyone: continue to look at vendor records in the NZ and think about answers to the questions on the decision page so we can make a decision for next week’s meeting
ACTION: Lisa add vendor followup questions (to vendor basecamp thread or to new thread?

Vendors Basecamp Item

Identify what is needed for follow-up Q to Ex Libris (vs. exploration in Sandbox or in Vanguard) - what do we need to know now? If OK, time to archive Basecamp item?




Decision: Archive thread, post followups as new thread, retain google doc.

(Not closing in light of extra questions resulting from discussion on Vendor Data page.

Everyone review for items needing additional followup.

Decision Page on P2E

Developing a quick turnaround recommendation for P2E data due in next week; beginning of testing plan for Vanguard.




Decision Page: P2E Recommendations for Vanguard

Brief recommendations knowing that people are preparing P2E data

Concern with records that contain both P and E (acknowledgement)

What recommendations do we have at this stage?

P2E Lessons Learned Google Document

Carla to present from UCR experience.

Summary: Records with multiple links and multiple 793 used to identify portfolio resulted in multiple portfolios with the value from first 793. Had to export list of records and reingest to the system (using public note for portfolio name?). Delete old portfolios afterwards (do not delete bib records). Replicating the P2E process manually post-migration but with different values in import profile.





Identify next actions



Propose meeting of III campuses (both new and already-alma) to discuss migration issues prior to next meeting.

Request to record to share with SCP?



Parking Lot

To save for future discussion (after 6/3 call - identify what to bring in next)



  • From 4/29: POL #s/vendor IDs unique - need to figure out how to not conflict on importing vendor/order data (after Vanguard)

  • Note that other items from the critical decisions sheet have been made into rough decision pages on Google docs. Do any dovetail with current discussion?

  • Accessing fund reports & budgets is critical – we need a demo from a campus that has already migrated, but may not need a decision page.

  • SUSHI integration - CDL/NZ vs. IZ. How do credentials from CDL get migrated? What happens in consortial environment when local campuses activate CZ collections? (from 3rd party integration item 5/27)




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