2021-03-24 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2021-03-24 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


Mar 24, 2021 11AM-12:30PM

Zoom: See calendar item or inquire with Chair for Zoom details.


  • @Lisa Spagnolo , UC Davis (co-chair) (timekeeper)

  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside (co-chair)

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Holly Eggleston (Unlicensed) , California Digital Library

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco (notetaker)

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Not Attending

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego

Future agenda items

Discussion items


Desired Outcome



  • Notes




Desired Outcome



  • Notes





Getting situated, reviewing agenda, roles





Admin Items

  • Announcements

  • Action Item Checks


Lisa S.

Tech Freeze dates?

Carla : The quote from today's SILS Chairs meeting was they expect to have the freeze dates for the Ex Libris special meeting on Fiscal Close Period on 4/22.  Not sure if that means they wouldn't release them earlier.

Testing the Alma FY grace period functionality?

Lisa: probably best tested in a sandbox rather than the Test environment. Lisa will test FY grace period in UCD’s sandbox.





Updates: specifically from PPC (and other SILS groups)

Shared understanding of PPC and other SILS group activities, including what is routing to/affecting our FG.


Lisa S. / others

PPC meeting March 19 & Notes

CDI updates

AEFG has been added as a consulting group for OA. OA will be reviewed by DOC to capture all stakeholders within and outside the SILS cohort.

Do we really have a choice between Easy Active and Fully Flexible models? What are the discovery implications? What is the service impact on ERM and Resource Sharing? What are the implications for NZ/consortial-level access? CDI Collection List (March 4, 2021) contains all collections that are marked in Alma as In CDI.

Jharina: user personas which represent the different expectations between undergrad, grad, researcher/faculty groups for making decisions about Primo configuration will be important.

Additional updates:

3/10: Holly and Adriana meeting with Ex Libris about negotiation licenses (Basecamp link). Additional updates:

3/24 AM: SILS Chairs including continuing OCLC item.

more extensive CDI discussion planned for AEFG 3/31 agenda

Lisa will share PPC recording (Friday) CDI discovery impact


Upcoming Sessions

Review upcoming sessions involving AEFG and planning/preparing.



3/25: Fiscal Close Session

Homework: please supply any screenshots, editing this afternoon



@Lisa Spagnolo will test fiscal year grace periods in light of cutover - to demo at 3/25 session.
@Lisa Spagnolo to check on UCD steps when phasing out funds / creating new funds in Alma.

Testing Planning (combined with previously separate MVP item)

Two outcome streams: 1) Determining work plan / assignments for next couple of weeks and possible delivery of Decision Page(s) to PPC for April 2 meeting, and 2) Assess in context of collaborative testing, PPC overview, timeline planning, etc.



Campus E-Resource workflow documentation that’s been shared from already-Alma campuses is in the Google drive.

Also see CSU documentation.

Testing Worksheet for PPC from Vanguard

Collaborative Workflow Testing (initiated by RMFG/Discovery/AEFG before winter holiday break)

Test Load testing processes and procedures

See PPC MVP spreadsheet

Timeline for AEFG Testing Management

For 3/10: updates from subgroup activity, next steps.


@Lisa Spagnolo Schedule “workshop times” outside of call for synchronous testing (can happen outside of these, too w/ other hosts). Will add sessions into March.
Subgroup leads (Lisa S. and Jharina) to set up workshop time sessions.
@Lisa Spagnolo to follow up with Liz M. about import profiles and cataloging suggestions.



Migration Data Prep Check-In

Continuing discussion of items that need attention for final extract prep. Assessing additional clean-up, etc.



Question: what clean-up activities are happening? What are data areas in our scope that might affect Analytics?

Does anything rise to the top re: needing attention? How to have quick return on this aspect? (To say we are done with migration-related considerations.)

Other data migration issues: 856 fields, noting the query re: 856 42 for finding aid use:


@Lisa Spagnolo to ask Sarah S. about ILSDC clean-up that AEFG should revisit.
@Lisa Spagnolo to set up Parking Lot doc for Migration Clean-up to assess capacity pre-final extract.


Identify/confirm next actions







Parking Lot

To save for future discussion



Circle back to Shared Vendors outcomes - from 12/9 meeting notes (https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/dFGWARAe )

Licensing discussion: Need to build out timeline, investigate what data can be exported, what we need to have in place.

Training placeholder: outbound linking (needs confirmation of SFX availability); EDI invoicing.

What additional conversations needed re: routing of UC-elinks equivalent troubleshooting?

Sharing our Alma workflow documentation for e-resources





The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu