2021-09-29 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2021-09-29 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


Sep 29, 2021 11:00AM-12:30PM


  • @Lisa Spagnolo, UC Davis (co-chair/convener) (timekeeper)

  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside (co-chair)

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco

  • @Lisa Mackinder , California Digital Library (notetaker)

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Discussion items


Desired Outcome



  • Notes




Desired Outcome



  • Notes





Getting situated, reviewing agenda, roles


Lisa S.



Admin Items

  • Announcements

  • Other


Lisa S.

ExL office hours cancelled for Thurs. May host an invoicing/EDI drop-in session in its place.



Remember to check/add your out dates in our tracker

@Lisa Spagnolo talk to Lena about hosting drop-in EDI session in place of office hours Thurs 9/30

Updates: specifically from PPC (and other SILS groups)

Shared understanding of PPC and other SILS group activities, including what is routing to/affecting our FG.


Lisa S. / Others

PPC : no meetings 9/24

  • Analytics Proposal

    • Review Analytics Point Person document, discuss rep for our FG

    • Phase 4 vs. ongoing

    • (Test load/Go-live) Requesting the creation of NZ Analytics reports from CDL (earlier page for NZ-level requests)

    • APP group is evolution of game plan for phase 4 for analytics

    • Role would entail some interaction w/ other APPs with additional calls for rest of Phase 4 to see what needs to take shape. Not a decision making body; decisions at FGs and PPC.

    • Can include analytics in our hand off docs. PPC likely will too.

    • Expected completion end of this week - who would represent us in this?

      • Volunteers:
        Jharina, Lisa W and Mark willing to volunteer

    • Question: what if the best person from a campus isn't on an existing FG? --> This is a stop gap to get through the rest of Phase 4; this is a "for now", each FG and ILSDC putting forward 1 person to start with a couple of discussions to decide how it should be shaped in the next phase.

    • draft decision page in front of ICs right now: Network Zone settings for Analytics

    • Other Updates?

      • Tamara at UCSC found a setting that would allow people at IZs to run NZ reports; forwarded to Gem for D2D to consider

      • Update from Lisa W: wondering if there's a possibility for an analytics CKG. Lisa S talking with Dana Peterman and Sharon Shaeffer about an assessment CKG, has been updating him as this has been thought through. Jharina wonders about this too, has been setting up SUSHI and has been collecting counter reports for renewals, can use Alma to gather stats. Back end harvesting can be figured out. The question is, how do we use this? Back and front end statistics are 2 different things. Lisa S thinks an assessment session might be a good idea. She doesn't know where the assessment CKG is in the proposal stage. What more do we want to include in Phase 4 for ER usage stats? Formulate a recommendation for hand off docs? Coordination with Alma and Primo stats need to be considered. As cross functional subgroup gets put together, if something about usage stats comes together, figure out how to calendar that before the end of phase 4.

Lisa W will represent AEFG in Analytics APP group







TSELG Request for Licensing

Shaping response/actions for TSELG request related to licensing


Lisa s. / all

Related to 005.

Draft sketch of response with areas to consider (will have revisions before Weds 9/29):

From 9/22:

  • Bandwidth while our FG members are dealing with post-migration projects - this could be something Phase 5 group could take on

  • Question of whether we can share unredacted licenses

  • Linking the license to another record in Alma - POL

  • You can link to a license from POL or from collection record.

  • Vendors and collection records need to be cleaned up before licenses are handled.

  • Lisa S drafting response to TSELG

    • Response not quite ready yet for full discussion.

    • Deliverable for this out of phase 4? There is a decision page, a licensing related MVP thing for post migration, questions about whether we could take on other than having recommendations for phase 5. But this question from TSELG is separate. This response is separate from anything we could get done during remainder of phase 4 time. Any conclusion out of this could relate back to MVP but doesn't have to.


@Lisa Spagnolo Consult with Ellen and Lisa M. to see if we can share unredacted licenses

Reviewed MVP Work

Review/refinement of past decision pages and related functional areas for updates, additional documentation, etc.



E-Resources-related (e.g., 001 and 002)

  • CDL recharges: coordinating with identifying CZ collections for attaching campus POLs?

    • Use of NZ for attaching POLs (002) - coordinating “production” testing? What is the process for linking our POL from our local suppressed record to one in the NZ?

    • Need to test linking in the sandbox then use a sample case in production to test what will happen with Analytics

  • Reporting Codes: testing use for CDL/campus Analytics - what is needed to confirm this as use case for intended NZ-IZ connection? what are local campus needs? are there other ways to get at this data?

    • Can we reserve just one code for CDL use instead of two?

    • Visibility of POLs across IZs (see below re: workshop) also has ramifications for NZ and IZ analytics, and ties back to NZ reporting code issue.

    • e-inventory stats - explore whether data gathering can be accomplished using MMSIDs. What would the workflow be for Adriana to pull out e-inventory stats using MMSIDs?

      • e-inventory has diff set of parameters, different reports tied specifically to e-inventory, not bib records or POLs. Hard to make different reports talk to each other. Lisa S will look for sample reports to help further this along.

Any 003 Import Profiles adjustment, other RMFG-coordinated pieces: capture doc

  • Norm rules for local needs

    • Lisa wants to check all decision page docs, RMFG as an ex, to see what others are saying and if any guidance has been offered from other groups. Anything else that's not quite working since we wrote that can be updated in the decision page.

  • Ebook handling

    • Query from UCSB, e-book matching and the way we find a CZ match for an ebook being loaded from, eg, GOBI. Possibly propose a practice change.

  • Last week’s workshop was helpful. This week, locally/IZ discuss how it looks from IZ end before bringing anything to CDL. A lot still to gather about what is and isn't available at back end, how does it all work with user interface. Also what does CDL see when multiple campuses place an order on an NZ collection? IZs can't see whether other IZs have POLs on an NZ. Can NZ see all of the IZ POLs? IZs will work through IZ stuff and send to Adriana and Lisa M. to view through NZ and report back.

Workshop on linking to NZ e-collections: met 9/24 at 11am; continued for 10/1

Norm Rules: collaborate via Google Doc

@Paula Pascual to host a second workshop on 10/1 with focus on IZ POLs for e-inventory.
@Lisa Mackinder Consult with Adriana and Gem to see if needs can be met with one reporting code reserved for CDL use
@Lisa Spagnolo Set up Google Doc for norm rule collab
@Lisa Spagnolo Look for examples of e-inventory reports to see if stats using MMSIDs would allow CDL to gather information that might otherwise be captured in a reporting code
@Lisa Spagnolo Check in with RMFG for guidance on norm rules for local-level stuff on NZ records
@AEFG [anyone] consult with staff members who are doing this work (import profiles/record loading) for any changes that need to be made to the decision page

Electronic Resources Updates

Ensure AEFG awareness of subgroup activity, major issues for review/input.


Lisa S. / Lisa M. /

Outbound Linking Workshops - 9/28

  • Spreadsheet of updates to be maintained on weekly basis.

  • Recommendations for subgroup for post-Phase 4 (to incorporate into hand-off doc)

  • Outbound linking on home stretch. Carla will run another query 2 to see what SFX activity has fallen off; Nga working on last batch and we have troubleshooting.

  • Need to put together recommendation for ER subgroup into phase 5.

Other e-resources related:

  • Lisa M. presenting CDL management of multi-part packages, multiple collections, etc. Ex. JSTOR, Elsevier ScienceDirect collections, etc.

    • Multi-part packages, for which there are multiple collections-with-portfolios in Alma. Ex. JSTOR Arts & Sciences. Users don’t care which JSTOR A&S package any particular title is in, nor do they even know that JSTOR sells their content in these packages. Users know JSTOR as a database at which they can search and find what they need.

    • Issue: If CDL unsuppressed all of the NZ JSTOR collection records, users would encounter 32 JSTOR records in Primo if they search for “JSTOR” (including the DDA and OA collections). 15 of these are the A&S collections. Users are used to finding one JSTOR record for all JSTOR access. 

    • E-book collections and backfiles might have a similar situation, also all of the Elsevier ScienceDirect collections.

    • Possible solution to discuss: CDL creates local collection records that encompass the collections (1 JSTOR record; 1 Project Muse record; etc), with no portfolios attached. These will look like database records (SCP will provide full cataloging). For the existing suppressed collections with portfolios attached, CDL will leave the portfolios activated and keep the collection records suppressed.

    • Lisa M reaching out to Jessica Hartwigsen at CSU Chancellor’s Office to ask how they’ve handled JSTOR in particular.


AEFG [all] think about recommendation for ER subgroup in Phase 5, for future discussion
@Lisa Wong run question of multipart collections recommendation by her internal stakeholder
@AEFG [all] consult internally if any concerns about CDL approach to multipart collections
@Lisa Spagnolo@Lisa Mackinder consult w/ Discovery FG on specific input for JSTOR

Continued MVP Work

9/22: Progress Update and Assessment for Next Work - as able




Tabling topic until next meeting.


Everyone: what other issues do we want to look at for the remainder of SILS Phase 4?



Introduce, fold in as recurring item to prepare for hand-off


Lisa S.

  • Post Mortem (first pass)

  • Hand-off (template doc)

  • Documentation (review of Google Drive space) - Folder Created for when we start to move things

  • Subgroup assessment

  • Additional component re: electronic resources strategic planning


Tabling topic until next meeting.





Identify/confirm next actions



Another show and tell? Possible topics: fund management, recharges, EDI invoicing


Next meeting: finalize response re: TSELG licensing question




Parking Lot

To save for future discussion



Licensing discussion: Need to build out timeline, investigate what data can be exported, what we need to have in place. // Assessing for Phase 4/Hand-Off

Training placeholder: EDI invoicing.

Analytics: look into doing an internal training session once MVP decision pages are done - NOTE SILS-Wide Analytics sessions in September / Assessing for Phase 4/Hand-off





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