2021-05-26 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes

2021-05-26 ACQ/ERM FG Meeting notes


May 26, 2021 11:00AM-12:30PM

Zoom: Inquire with Lisa Spagnolo for link

Not recorded, all members attended


  • @Lisa Spagnolo, UC Davis (co-chair, convener)

  • @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Paula Pascual , UC Irvine

  • @Stacy McKenna , UCLA

  • @Sarah Sheets , UC Merced

  • @Carla Arbagey , UC Riverside (co-chair)

  • @Judy Keys , UC San Diego

  • @Lisa Wong , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Susan Boone , UC San Francisco (notetaker)

  • @Lisa Mackinder , California Digital Library (timekeeper)

  • @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Barbara

Not Attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome



  • Notes




Desired Outcome



  • Notes





Getting situated, reviewing agenda, roles


Lisa S.



Admin Items

  • Announcements

  • Other


Lisa S.

Insert End-User Outreach/Communication aspect into Testing agenda items.



Remember to check/add your out dates in our tracker


Updates: specifically from PPC (and other SILS groups)

Shared understanding of PPC and other SILS group activities, including what is routing to/affecting our FG.


Lisa S. - Carla / others

PPC meeting May 21 Notes

  • CDI follow-up

  • Decision Pages

    • Getting these finalized so that End User Outreach can create training docs

  • Added a column for Status to our MVP spreadsheet



003 Approved by PPC

FYI only: (Go Live) Rename UC-eLinkshas implications for 006




@Lisa Spagnolo or @Carla Arbagey to verify what specific date already Alma campuses need to switch over to Easy Active
Lisa S working with Liz (RMFG) Adjusting normalization rules to be disctributed to ICs
Lisa S will send an email asking already-Alma campuses take screen-shots for configuration standardization (e.g Melvyl)
End-user outreach assitance documentation

Recent/Upcoming Sessions

Review any sessions involving AEFG and planning/preparing.



  • Analytics sessions, 9-10am May 24th and May 25th

  • Lisa S. brought up Analytics coordination with PPC.


Nga’s UC Usage Statistics Meeting Thursday, May 27 , 11-12


Final Stages MVP Work & Testing:

001 Linking IZ orders to relevant CDL e-collections - procedural documentation


002 Campus Purchase Order Practice to Support Systemwide and Other Data Reporting


003 Vendor bib records/overlay rules/import profiles


Review current state of respective Decision Pages, remaining testing/questions, collaborative work, etc. TIMELINE REVIEW



Campus E-Resource workflow documentation that’s been shared from already-Alma campuses is in the Google drive.

Also see CSU documentation.

Test Load testing processes and procedures

See PPC MVP spreadsheet

Timeline for AEFG Testing Management

From 5/19:

From 001/002: E-Resources CZ/NZ/IZ linking/Campus Purchase Order Practice for Data Integration

  • Per current status of 4th/5th reporting codes, how do we want to handle 002 document re: communicating for MVP? (Given that it will need to be further tested after go-live once that functionality is present.)

  • Lisa S. working on specific example of associating local order w/CDL order (Sage?); has asked Adriana to create an example CDL POL. Update from Adriana: SAGE Complete is POL-105 in NZ.

  • What additional work on 001 needed, either testing, thinking of impact on training, etc.?

  • CDL is not planning to have POLs for things like Elsevier payments. This should not affect linking to e-collections.

  • 001 scope is focusing on consortial resources for go-live. How do we deal with resources where we’re dealing with the CZ and NZ? Do we add this to 001?
    Jharina suggested we don’t need to add this to 001 which is focused on go-live. We do need a best practices for eresources once we establish how we want resources to look.
    Carla agreed that after go-live, we’ll have the time to review and assess who’s responsible for what tasks for electronic resources activation, display, and maintenance.
    Lisa M : CDL will activate resources at the collection and portfolio levels, plan to use POL to process acquisitions payments to vendors/campus shares (this is a new process for CDL Acq). CDL will not be doing the recharge process in Alma (at this point).
    AFTER go-live we may want to establish regular consultations among ERM/Acq folks to harmonize the ways we’re dealing with e-resources. (added to 002)
    Reconcile 001/002

From 003 Vendor Records/Import Profiles

  • 003 Confluence Decision Page - Approved by PPC!

  • Liz M. updated the AEFG Norm Rule to remove 900-949 fields from bib after loading to NZ. In testing please confirm that the NZ templates build records appropriately before deleting these fields in the bib record for the NZ.

  • Templates are designed to be adapted for any vendor. Review key mapping table. Lisa S will add a feedback page.

Test 4th & 5th reporting codes when these are added to Alma Analytics in the June 2021 release.

Ex Libris says the 4th and 5th reporting codes will NOT be available for migration: Basecamp post

Further discussion and cross-group consulting to help finalize 001/002 planned.



@Lisa Mackinder Will review the workflow for e-collections with CDL colleagues

@Lisa Spagnolo will follow up with Lisa M on testing the SAGE Complete POL


In Progress MVP Work:

006 Outbound linking from Vendor Platforms

008 Best practices regarding troubleshooting/broken links

Initial discussion and tentative work plan



See PPC MVP spreadsheet

Work Plan: Timeline for AEFG Testing Management

008 Decision Page:

  • Incorporating consultation with other groups as needed: Discovery FG, PSELG. Also has an End-User Outreach component and impact for local campus messaging.

  • Day 1 vs. after clean-up or other changes that may affect troubleshooting path (including 006) - for both IZ-level and CDL/NZ-level.

  • Comparing with CSU and SUNY troubleshooting documentation to facilitate framework for Decision Page.
    heading off simple problems (e.g. UCD making sure users are in VPN)
    triage: know who can solve the problem; also knowing the user’s path to the problem
    Metadata problems in CDI: letting public-facing groups know what to look for and how to report.

006 Decision Page:


From 5/19: 008: Recommend using the locals' current method to contact the library to report a problem (varies by campus) , then designated staff will report to CDL Helpline

Troubleshooting Pathways (008 decision page):
Check-in with Discovery and Fulfillment to identify which areas are joint-decisions, and which help-related links in Primo VE config are designed with triage workflow. (Discussing troubleshooting with Discovery and Fulfillment to understand options.)

(006 decision page):




Lisa S will bring the issue of efficient distribution of troubleshooting tasks to PPC.

Lisa S and Susan will confirm with ICs about base URLs and custom domains.



Identify/confirm next actions







Parking Lot

To save for future discussion



Licensing discussion: Need to build out timeline, investigate what data can be exported, what we need to have in place.

Training placeholder: outbound linking (needs confirmation of SFX availability); EDI invoicing.

Analytics: look into doing an internal training session once MVP decision pages are done





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