2022-07-20 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes

2022-07-20 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Notes


  • @Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Erika Quintana

  • @Tamara Pilko

  • @Sherry Lochhaas

  • @Maria Figueroa

  • @Lisa Mackinder

  • @Angelica Felix

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson , project champion

Meeting Recording List


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Facilitator intro

Set expectations for the outcomes of this meeting





All Chairs Updates




May be some misconception for people not as involved in SILS implementation/training as to what Alma can and cannot do.




Who’s Out




Out of Office/Vacation Schedule

For the next two weeks subteams will meet as possible.





How do we figure out how best to use the funding?


Gem/Lisa M?

Areas that may need assistance:

  • Programming assistance the Oracle/Alma connection (is there existing staff support?)

    • Hope that the UCSD/Oracle work can be replicated in the NZ. However, this is just expenditures going out. Not deposits from campuses.

  • Constructing Acq File

    • 549 Licenses - Cleanup needed

      • Review code and naming convention

      • Some are no longer valid

      • Amendment vs full license (To change have to recreate the license)

      • There will also need to be new licenses added (not a lot)

    • POLs - approximately 430 active orders. How many are complicated vs easy? Maybe a couple full days a quarter.

    • Aligning 200 vendors in Alma with payment vendors (material suppliers) - Unclear what we need to do for the Oracle connection.

      • Brief record already in Alma

      • First fix the codes

      • Some of the other details can be added later

      • Probably wouldn’t take as long as POLs

    • Ledgers and Funds

      • Doesn’t exist at all in Alma currently

      • May benefit from Ex Libris consultation or outside consultation

      • What about payments and projections?

    • Creation of monthly/quarterly reports for rechargers

      • Can this be done in Analytics?

  • Inventory

    • Currently at the more complicated collections

    • Temporary staff person would be helpful to have more dedicated time to look into the issues.

      • Though potentially big learning curve. Would need to be some from a campus and understand how CDL operates.

      • Has been requiring digging into paper documents to verify content and participation.

      • Maybe hiring someone to take over CDL regular, more easily explained, duties. (Also someone already familiar with Alma.) Possibly borrowing from the campuses. Need further discussion about how much additional help.

      • Would be helpful to be fully staffed (currently in process, hopefully soon).

Outstanding Questions:

  • Will we need to pay for programmers for custom Oracle/Alma work

  • More info about how Ledgers/Funds work and what additional info we still know

  • CDL talk internally about inventory support


Come back by Labor Day with more info around the outstanding questions.



Group Work




Inventory - Sherry, Maria, Tamara

Ledger/Fund - Lisa M, Lisa S, Angie, (Erika when extra testing needed)

Vendors - Erika, Sherry, Lisa M, Angie, (Tamara when needed)




Parking Lot / Overflow




Come back by Labor Day with more info around the outstanding questions.

Best Practice: How long to wait for collection to show in CZ vs creating local record? Inventory subteam will look and probably send to Eres for further discussion.

Vanderbilt integrated with Oracle and did a presentation on it.

Status Report

  • What we’ve done.

  • Can any pain points be addressed immediately and, if not, what’s the plan

Upcoming Dates

July 27 - plan to meet as individual groups

August 2-3 - subgroups may meet individually

For reference: Out of Office/Vacation Schedule




The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu