2021-10-26 Meeting notes

Oct 26, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means (notes)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending


Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways





Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • UCSD is working in its own cleanup of some bad OCLC numbers that we uncovered, will work with ILSDC if any other campuses are impacted



  1. Apparently, the 590 location-specific notes in bib records mapped to all holdings (as  990s) during migration, even locations where the notes don’t apply. This is not an issue in display (Primo). 

  2. Very strange issue when displaying search results in Alma: the barcode of the first record displayed is duplicated in subsequent search result pages. 

  3. We still have tons of work to do on Host bibliographic records. We think Berkeley may have more of analyzed sets than other campuses, whose troubles in this area may be mostly Bound-withs.

  4. Problem with the bib in the Community Zone -- has the OCLC number for the print rather than the e-version; one solution is to create a new import profile. TJ is also helping with. (Thanks!) Will be testing things in Sandbox.

UCLA (Hermine):

  • Progress on bound-withs:

    • Discovered that we can use $9 unlrelated in a local extension field (773 and 774), which generates the nice “Bound with” display in Primo. Added it to all our host bibliographic records in sandbox with an easy norm rule. Example child record: https://ucla-psb.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01UCS_LAL/1763hao/alma9963414753606533

    • Also experimenting with suppressing all host bib records in sandbox.

    • For bound-withs going forward, we discovered that using the OCLC number in the 77X $w will link up the records correctly after the “MMS - Build Record Relations” job is run (runs nightly in prod; has to be run manually in psb). This is good because we’d prefer to use the OCLC number than the MMS ID.

    • Outstanding bound-with decisions:

      • Should we continue adding 014s in holdings records?

      • Do we need both the 773 in constituent and 774 in host? Would one or the other do?

      • Should we continue using some kind of dummy parent record, or should we use the first title as the host?

  • We are going to start loading our order records into the IZ (instead of NZ when they have OCLC numbers and IZ when they don’t) to make the cataloging process more streamlined. (Changing the 035 on NZ-linked records is too much of a hassle.)

  • I’m doing a lot of Primo config.








New RLF deposits




SRLF is accepting new deposits but we don’t have a system-wide workflow for this yet but we might need one soon.











Ok to add these in production?







Bound-withs/related records

Finalize decisions/start sending sets to CDL










WorldCat updates




Aside from labelling the bound-withs, are there are other pending cleanup concerns before starting?







Next meeting (11/09)




Transition documents

Final meeting before Thanksgiving












The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu