2021-05-11 Meeting notes

2021-05-11 Meeting notes

May 11, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Cathleen Lu (notes)

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Shi Deng





Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • AEFG/RMFG crossover group met on Wednesday. Notes and recording are available. Summary: need to now test an IZ-only workflow that eventually links to the NZ, especially for brief records

  • PPC decisions:

    • UCs will use EasyActive for CDI

  • How are Already-Alma campuses handling the period between June 18 and July 9? What are you continuing to do in Alma production? I am thinking we can continue to add bib records with a note flagging them as “post extract” so that we can link them early after go-live? Sarah

  • what are people doing with Marcive composite records? Sarah


  • Time to finalize migration specs again.

  • Forming group to work on holdings templates for various locations/formats

  • Looking for the best way to add the OCLC number to the a stub record--template with 035 $a (OCoLC) + copy/paste? Any better ideas?

  • Ok to ask CDL to ask ExL to run the authority linking job one more time? We’d like to see what was generated from any recent loads or changes to the test db.


  • Had a first/basic intro. class on How to Import Records, given by a subgroup of our local RMFG to a bigger group of our local RMFG. … Next subgroup’s class will be: MDE How to.

  • Freeze and other dates settled.

  • UCB big SILS forum will happen tomorrow, 9:30-11, for all questions and answers.





Already-Alma campuses



  • During fiscal close through July 9th, catalogers can still change records, but needs to add extra 99x to facilitate reloading

  • Btw July 9th and 27th, biggest question is if still letting ppl work in Alma

  • Letting ppl use SILS sandbox to practice new workflows

  • Documentation!

Belinda (UCSC):

  • After July 9th, working in Connexion




Shared rules




Thoughts on $5?

From UCSD: we are happy to keep UC $5s and would support maybe starting with targeted removal of $5 DLC and $5 PAU?

Naming conventions (consent agenda item)

--Campus rules/profiles start with campus name

--System-wide rules/profiles start with “allUC”

(From Hermine) - Anything else to consider? Should we also make best practices around naming sets shared in the NZ? Matching Name and Description to be consistent?

  • (From Liz): If they’re truly meant to be shared, probably good to keep the same “allUC” prefix. I’m torn on matching name and description since unlike for norm rules it can be helpful to have a shorter name and fuller description

No objections on $5


Matching name and description for rules as best practice






Best practices for OCLC Gateway doc





SUNY policy for Deleting OCLC Records

Orbis Cascade Policy for Deleting Records

Orbis Cascade Overlay



Take OCLC Gateway doc back to local campus, comments due Monday by 5pm


RMFG-MVP-017 Best practices for MARCEdit-Alma integration




Ok as-is for a starting point?



Comments due Monday by 5pm


RMFG-MVP-007 Policies for changing search indexes/labels in Alma




We have some standardization already, what about if we want a change?

900-949 should be shared for consistency in documentation but what about 950-999?

Should campuses continue to check with RMFG for the rest of phase 4?

*Does not include standard labels in Primo that may be requested by Discovery

No objections, wrapping into larger MVP document




RMFG-MVP-009 Policies governing NZ search/edit/addition


10 mins


Any significant revisions needed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18GYzHu5qKnax70Bs2X2FGoiDyym8aoLO06eFp4PEI7s/edit#bookmark=id.mexvd3cfr8v8

take back to campuses for questions



Comments due in two weeks by Monday the 24th, 5pm


RMFG-MVP-004 Best practices for the Metadata editor, including WorldCat search for NZ and IZ records


10 mins






Comments due in two weeks by Monday the 24th, 5pm


Best practices document

Review test load doc and see if we want to keep the same format

0 mins


Current doc:


Aside from the edits this needs, what about the structure?

Can people mark the areas that feel like they need their own page?


Feel free to add local training docs to Google Drive share






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu