2021-04-13 Meeting notes

2021-04-13 Meeting notes

Apr 13, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Shi Deng (notes)

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending





Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • UCSD workshops

  • Unable to attend Study Hall tomorrow

  • Gobi profiles

  • Final MARCIVE load at UCSD will be April 2021. May and June files will be received and loaded after go-live (by TBD)

  • Final 856 decision


  • Workshops done. Posted follow-up questions on Basecamp.

  • Local WorldCat updates are happening! Recent books (published 2017-2020) have been processed and we’re working backwards (next file is 2012-2016, consisting of almost 250K records). In the first batch:

    • over 80K records were updated

    • 18 were multi-matches (i.e., the records were merged in OCLC after we downloaded them)--we will clean these up.

    • over 40K were rejected for being smaller than the current Voyager record. (I’m guessing the number is so high for the recent batch because the OCLC records haven’t changed much and our added 9XX fields make ours bigger.)

    • 700 were rejected for having DtSt m.

    • 441 were rejected for having special collections locations.

    • 1727 matched on the OCLC 019--very happy to be updating our 035s to help our NZ build for cutover!

  • Cataloging statistics update: our local group discovered that sets + indication rules are good for pulling out data that isn’t indexed by subfield.

UCB: May or may not be of interest at this point: Someone in UCB RMFG created a Python tool “… to analyze two or more sets of records from different sources that match on OCLC number (i.e. they "should" be the same), and report on various discrepancies. So far the person has an "overall" comparison where you can see which source (e.g. UCLA vs Berkeley) has more records that have more fields, then list of side by side comparisons where you can compare the number of fields by 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, etc. You can also compare individual records side by side and they just built an option to pull the current OCLC record via z39.50 so you can see it alongside the records from your sets.”

CMCKG (Sarah)

CMCKG is beginning discussions about system-wide strategies for handling offensive subject headings such as Illegal aliens and the potential need for more nuanced subject access for selected materials than LCSH can provide. The group wants relevant SILS FGs to be aware of the discussions and is interested in any input on how this might look in the Alma/Primo system





Gobi profiles: worked with AEFG based on SUNY’s, finalize on merge and norm rules. Hope it works. Then will work on for eBooks.


CMCKG discussion:

  • PPC also discussed about it-Liz will ask PPC to have a transition plan so this will not be dropped during Phase 4.

  • CSU has presentation on what they had done, we may reference to it post migration

  • SUNY’s documentation on a similar projecthttps://slcny.libguides.com/c.php?g=986218&p=7623203



Decision pages




Bib records to leave out of the NZ (voting meeting 4/13)

OCLC Worldcat Daily Updates

(voting-ish meeting 4/13)


BIB records to leave out of the NZ:

  • “On order” : Campuses can bring on order record to NZ if has OCLC#

  • Spec. Coll.: Campuses can leave Spec coll records out of the NZ, except UCLA and UCB who may bring RLF records into NZ

  • 773/774: Campuses can protect bound with 773/774 fields

OCLC WorldCat Daily Updates:

Have two separate profiles, Mono vs. Serials. Start with Mono in Sept. [TBD]

Campuses have enough time to do local update/cleanup, and plan accordingly.

Option to have records delivery by WorldShare, then use Alma to filter out anything you don’t want to load: indication rule TJ wrote filtered out serials; may decide a NZ 9XX field to filter out record from overlay/update



Liz will draft the decision page and send to the group tonight, fist of five vote by Thursday




Finalize MVP




Last pass at MVP doc (4/13)

Push off new RLF deposits?



Review the document if anything missing, will finalize next week

MVP: Liz to update line 39 to OCLC WorldCat Update


Decision pages for next week




Local authority files (voting meeting scheduled for 4/20)

Should we wait on this?



UCLA loaded and seems okay.
NZ job was run and done.
Question about loading local authority into NZ: find out whether campuses have need to do so and discuss at next week.


Looking ahead













Metadata exports for HathiTrust and Google Books Digitization (4/27). UCB: Is this going to involve others?  LIT currently does this and it interested in this discussion.

Workflow schedule








Liz has been in touch with Lynne at UCB, gathered data she needed.

Next week will discuss how to structure for the rest of time before Go-Live.






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu