2020-11-10 Meeting notes

2020-11-10 Meeting notes

Nov 10, 2020 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao (notes)

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending

@Latasha Means



Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways




Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways




Updates (please add in advance)


0 mins



SCP load decision was approved at PPC: (Test Load) SCP, SFX, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ

MARCIVE load decision was approved at PPC: (Test load) MARCIVE Bibliographic Records in the NZ

Sub-groups to work with Discovery UX Evaluation: Sarah is interested in working with the general catalog group. Looking for maybe 1 more for this, and 1-2 people interested in the Special collections group. (what MARC fields really need to be displayed? Where should the “Links” section go? Should dedup be turned off for music resources? …)

Discovery group really wants someone from RMFG to help with their testing. Belinda volunteered for the special collections group. Hermine volunteered for the general catalog group.


Test-load decision search across all areas: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/search?search_id=87ba5719-22e4-40c3-9c06-c5d2b16c3064&labels=test-load

RMFG test-load search: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/search?search_id=87ba5719-22e4-40c3-9c06-c5d2b16c3064&labels=test-load&spaces=RMF




NZ load order criteria

Finalize criteria for choosing the load order

60 mins


SILS Principles and Framing: https://libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu/content/sils-phase-4-principles-and-shared-assumptions

Google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ady0y-Pj3sB-Mte77TdWy0Tbnfbz8OkzkwFOOTy0z1c/edit#


Goal for today: decide on criteria.

Reword “other paid bib enhancement” by adding specific examples, such as Backstage adding URIs and RDA elements, for clarification.

Add the progress campuses have made in terms of critical data cleanup tasks identified by ILSDC to “Bandwidth to protect local data before cutover.”

Campus preference is information we need but not appropriate as a criterion.

Final SCP load decision is considered an essential criterion.

Criteria not to consider: camp preference; Vanguard participation; current ILS; future system-wide OCLC updates.

Plan to meet for two hours next week.


Each rep will share the decided criteria with their campus and bring their responses and thoughts back at the next meeting. Final criteria will be distributed over email by Sarah.

Get in touch with Liz and Sarah if you have any question about these criteria by 2pm on Friday.




OCLC updates (if time allows)

Discuss initial campus reactions to OCLC update load




Tabled for now








The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu