2021-04-27 Meeting notes

2021-04-27 Meeting notes

Apr 27, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo (notes)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending





Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • There are some significant lags between when jobs are marked “complete” in Alma and when they’re actually done. Gem ran a norm process to remove 856 fields from UCSD NZ records and it took a day or so after the job was marked finished for the fields to be removed (side note: can we start removing the rest of the 856 fields?)

  • Liz will be at the IC meeting on Thursday


  1. As of Monday- no more Alma password. Instead we get into Alma using our CalNet i.d.

  2. Working groups still working on How we’re going to train.

3. Our affiliated libraries are trying to coordinate better with us. Lots of non-heretofore people are still in the dark too much. Implementation group will talk about this.


  • Lots of experimenting with the Connexion Gateway. See Basecamp thread for questions about local extensions showing up in the NZ (and then sometimes disappearing after a few minutes or hours… but sometimes sticking).

  • Tentative one-by-one cataloging workflow: export from Connexion using NZ Gateway. Either include local fields and add $9 local using norm rule (original plan); or, add local fields in Alma using template.

  • Still getting a lot of questions about authority control workflow.

  • Trying to remember 880 fields when writing norm and merge rules. I don’t think there’s a way to tie them to their linked fields, so they are tricky to manage.




PPC as been invited to IC meeting to address questions about the cutover schedule.

Authority control workflow (who is going to process/distribute reports?) – Day 1 MVP item.

Reports will be distributed by CDL; reports cannot be accessed from IZ, they need to be exported and saved in a specific location so that campuses can retrieve them. How should/could campuses share work?-- TBD.





Local campus freezes?




UCB: “Tech Svs” freeze -June 15 (not a UCB date) but we want to know just exactly what they mean by “Tech Svs”. … Bibs? (probably), Items? Orders? Etc.? We’re getting more info. this Thursday, April 29.

UCLA: Last day to do any editing in Voyager: June 9.

UCSD: Last day to edit in Millennium is May 14 for catalogers, likely June 4 for Acquisitions

SCP: follow UCSD’s date: last day to edit: May 14

UCSB: Tentatively June 11th

UCSF: Tentatively June 8th

UCI: undecided

UCM: June 1

UCD: undecided

UCR: undecided


Non Alma campuses have to deliver migration files by June 18.

What can we do during the freeze?

All environments will be pulled at the end of June.



Order of MVP items




The list is due this week.

Which item should be ready before the test environment goes away?

From ExL: workflow decisions be solidified by the end of May; possibly into mid June until the test environment gets removed.

Rules/templates in Test will migrate?--IC will confirm with ExL.

Items that need to be complted while test environment is up:
--Authority control task list
--Merge rules

New item: CRL records-- work with Discovery FG and Fulfilment FG to test WorldCat scope in Primo and the CDI collection. Liz has reached out the two FGs.



Focus on Day 1 items for the next few weeks; use MVP list as check list.


How many import profiles do campuses want RMFG to provide?
--A few for different formats?

Start drafting BP for OCLC gateway export/manual cataloging?

Update the draft BP for working in NZ starting next week; use SUNY documentation as reference

Liz will start a doc and the group will review and draft BPs.


Live OCLC/MDE demo:

Please finalize other features/questions you’d like shown to this document by noon Wednesday




UCB: I reminded our group. I should have something by Wed.



Add questions by noon Wednesday.


Shared rules




How many merge/norm rules do campuses expect from RMFG? How many can we deliver?

6XX discussion next week.

Merge rules: Need two: one for gateway/import profile and another for external search
Norm rules: one that prevents unwanted fields in NZ.


Indication rules: maybe no need to standardize but campuses are encouraged to contribute their rules if they think them useful.


Campuses please fill in Data removed during OCLC export






Records can be added without OCLC# after migration. Should we require OCLC# in NZ?

AFN relies on OCLC#.

Many SRLF records have no OCLC#-- should this be an exception? Post-migration cleanup project?

Generally, OCLC# is requred in NZ.

To be finalized next week.

Get campuses feedback.



Looking ahead




Metadata exports for HathiTrust and Google Books Digitization.

Systemwide guidance on setting holdings to OCLC.
(CDL is no longer sending LHR)
Maintenance of holdings (for Marcive, etc.)










Any update on enhancing sandbox with actual data?









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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu