2021-04-06 Meeting notes

2021-04-06 Meeting notes

Apr 6, 2021 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair) (notes)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending





Discussion items


Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Updates (please add in advance)


10 mins



  • AEFG will add an update to the 856 decision page by 4/15

  • Gobi subgroup will meet again tomorrow


  • UCLA has its workshop this week.

  • ExL says the problem with 856 $z mapping to multiple portfolios' public notes should be fixed by the next migration.

  • Working on developing some proof-of-concept cataloging workflows (Connexion Gateway and import profiles); trying to test normalization and merge rules in IZ for now; when we think they’re more fully cooked we will request they be added to the NZ.


  • We’ve been looking into CDI / EasyActive at UCSF. So far it looks like expected behavior is not great for us- it provides us with far more titles than we actually have full-text access to.

  • For copy cataloging, we’re considering not using the Gateway workflow and instead using Search External Resources. Going to test it out in the coming weeks.




Question: Using search external resources. How to add a constant data type function.
For one record, you still use a norm rule. Treat like a text string or constant data.
Can set up a process that will always set up an enhancement when something is saved

Merging records: Note that merging must be with records in the same zone (both IZ or both NZ). If you want to merge records that are linked to the NZ, you should unlink them first then relink after the merge.
If you don’t do this, the wrong record gets merged, inventory may not display, and you create ghost records in the IZ

Campuses may want to keep known duplicates out of the NZ during migration to make cleanup easier afterwards.

Reminder: we have the Sandbox for testing norm and merge rules



RLF feedback prep




Subgroup update

RLF special meeting update

Final RMFG feedback

RMFG Feedback to submit:
Should campuses leave any RLF holdings unsuppressed in their IZ?
>Special Collections holdings should be unsuppressed
GC holdings/inventory should comply with fulfillment recommendation and be suppressed

Are there campus bib records that should be suppressed during migration?
>Campuses can decide which records to bring and whether to suppress them (but suppressed bibs should be left out of the NZ)

RLF meeting this morning with stakeholders and Ex Libris. Fulfillment questions are at the level of holdings and items records. As long as these are not discoverable or loanable, they will not cause problems. If bibs are not linked to NZ, it is not part of the fulfillment network. Some idea of workflow for new deposits – to discuss later. No definite decisions. Bibs are least of the problem as long as holdings and items follow Fulfillment recommendations.
Special collections – if have the right terms of use, then they can come over and work.
For Aeon/special collections: must be unsuppressed. But “location” can be made “unloanable” so still accords with fulfillment requirements

UCSB: has a large exceptional deposit – still unprocessed at SRLF due to the pandemic.

Analytics and the RLFs: UCSD would like to bring their analytics records, but is not concerned with the inventory. Just have a note to see series/serial title. Post migration, can explore how to handle the situations when there is inventory from another campus or no other inventory.



Final pre-migration MARCIVE load

Set final MARCIVE load date



Loading will stop after the April load. After this, UCSD will send out a file of all the OCLC numbers what will be included in the NZ collection to aid campuses in local cleanup





Prep for decisions next week




Bib records to leave out of the NZ (voting meeting 4/13)

OCLC Worldcat Daily Updates

(voting-ish meeting 4/13)

Last pass at MVP doc (4/13)


Bib records left out of NZ:

On order: It is hard to find order records that migrated with records that went to the NZ. Cannot seem to find order records in NZ that had an oclc number and matched a bib.

Special Collections: Seems we can leave it up to campus to put in NZ or keep in IZ (at least temporarily)

Bound with (guidance):
Not touched on much. Post-migration may need policy to always protect 773 and 774 in import profiles


OCLC updates: Need information on what local campuses need to know for migration cleanup



Bib records left out of NZ: on order records:

Continue adding questions to the sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/190cDdlw6DcevB4AQjmn9gEzRpA_KeTGGa-EfbK9nHIU/edit


OCLC daily updates:

Add any pre-migration data prep questions/projects that are up in the air for your campus based on when/how OCLC updates are implemented
OCLC updates. Need to know what campuses are waiting on as far as cleanup


Looking ahead













Local authority files (voting meeting 4/20)

Metadata exports for HathiTrust and Google Books Digitization (4/27)

Workflow schedule














The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu