2020-04-28 Meeting notes
Apr 28, 2020 03:00-04:30 PM
Zoom: contact chair for link and password
@Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)
@Cathleen Lu (notes)
@Hermine Vermeij
@Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed)
@Latasha Means
@Martha McTear (Unlicensed)
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)
@Shi Deng
@TJ Kao
@Yoko Kudo
@Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)
Not attending
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Team charter | CompleteTeam Charter in Confluence | 10 mins | Liz/All |
| Charter is finalized |
2 | Updates |
| 5 mins | Liz | Vanguard is settled: UCB (including NRLF), UCLA (including SRLF), UCSB, UCSD, UCSF, and CDL ExLibris will prep some trainings for us; some reps may come to functional group meetings for Q&A Caitlin will be sending sandbox access to PPC members; limited to 30 users at a time so may have to coordinate later Keep sandbox access limited until updates on Friday |
| @Elizabeth Miraglia will send sandbox access once she has it |
3 | Separate records for different formats | Provide an update and time for discussion | 10 mins | Liz/All | “Some Alma workflows are actually designed to expect a shared record for serials even though others are not. We had many records migrate with different formats attached, e and print, print and micro. It is something libraries will want to clean up on the other end but it doesn't stop the records from migrating. If a campus intends to migrate its order records, they will want to separate print and electronic. Not doing this cause the majority of our order record issues post-migration that have resulted in having to close and reopen many many records. “ So there is no technical issue with migrating composite records but they do create the need for a lot of cleanup and there are discovery issues (so not technically Alma but Primo) If each thing has its own holding record, it’s okay |
4 | Network Zone questions | Prep for May 4 PPC Network Zone presentation | 20 mins | Liz/All | Complete in drive doc May 4th (Monday), ExLibris presentation on NZ Current Alma users: Community Zone is electronic resources only, bib record attachment comes after the activation Can unlink NZ from IZ records (to reject changes/updates), but will not be able to participate in consortial loans Once you link IZ to a NZ record, can’t configure which fields to “accept” |
| All: Brainstorm questions for ExLibris in “Critical Issues” doc NZ tab @TJ Kao will demo some local edit/MarcEdit stuff in Alma! |
5 | Review Phase 3 “Critical Issues” | Confirm/review whether each item is actually critical, begin to break them into smaller tasks/decisions, begin to identify questions for Ex Libris (if any) | 30 mins | All | Our copy of the starter document is here. There are some new issues added to our FG
| All: Continue tracking thoughts/issues that come up in working document |
6 | Local issues page | Take a first look at local issues, brainstorm new additions | 10 | All | Can suppress both bib and holdings records in Alma Alma does do versioning for records, so possible to track changes or use to pull cataloging statistics |
Future agenda items
TJ’s Demo
TTT survey results
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