2021-8-12 Fulfillment & ILL FG Meeting notes


Aug 12, 2021 11:00 AM


  • @Mark Marrow , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Sahra Klawitter , UC Riverside

  • @Micquel Little (Unlicensed) , UC San Francisco

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Joseph Ferrie , California Digital Library

  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Judea D'Arnaud, UC San Diego

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed) , UCLA

  • @Joe Ameen , UCM (Liaison) Note Taker





Discussion items


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Check-in/ Updates

PPC meeting updates and review of any action items from last meeting

Quick share of any local team updates.



  • Strategically placed Reminder for Elizabeth to record Meeting

  • Today we’re just checking in with each other and using the time to complete any tests we may not have gotten to yet.

  • Post mortem/offboarding documents- more to come.






Book/Article and Physical/Digital radio button tied to each other on the Resource sharing Request form in Primo.

Check in with Jason regarding his testing of the different Resource Sharing request form configurations to see if the process can be improved.



Jason hid the Format field from the book request form in the Alma discovery configuration page. This seemed to clear up most of the problems.

Having the Title field mandatory seems to help as well.

Jason has the Journal Volume as mandatory in Alma as well.






Check in on open cases





Some campuses are getting responses to some of their Saleforce cases.

Cannot Select Specific Holding Record for the Requested Material: Davis fixed this by only displaying digitization or pickup requests for items held locally.

Comment field entries on request form…: Seems to be fixed.

Cannot select specific holdings record for requested material (Davis Specific): There were some problems with this case and can be closed.





Current issues to discuss/test

  • Non UCLA Patron Requests in our VDX Not Supplied Queue- Test with UCSB

  • Test preferred pickup location other than home institution.

  • Manual notes don’t match the item requested. Is anyone else seeing this?



  • A request for an item available at SRLF came from UCSB but the request never went to that location. It looks like the request can get lost in a separate queue for items in process.

  • A borrowing request coming from UCSB ended up in UCLA’s VDX queue. It could be that the request sat idle for long enough that Alma converted it into a Resource Sharing request automatically. This may require changing Network TOUs.

  • We might need to make sure that our local TOUs only create a VDX request automatically for local users.





Copyright Check Box

Placeholder. No action from FG needed at this time: From Discovery: “Discovery FG noticed that the August Primo VE Release Notes mention a new option to add a copyright statement to Request forms. It looks like this statement would have an accompanying mandatory check box.


We recalled that the Request system has a copyright notice and so we wanted to reach out to FFG to see if this was a potential area where campus configuration should be harmonized.”




Elizabeth will get back to Discovery



non-circulating items

Placeholder. No action from FG needed at this time:

Problem: ILL Request link showing up on SPC records with an AEON link - when users are logged in 


Limited Solution (put into UC Santa Cruz production): 

·        Using GES and Display Logic Rules to hide the ILL request link on local SPC records.

o   UCSC can share workflow notes with other campuses if desired.  

·        Note: This does not work for SPC records coming from the Discovery Network in Primo, so at UCSC, even after we put our local solution in place, we still see the ILL request form on other campus Special Collections materials.



  • Special collection items with Aeon links are showing up and items appear requestable.

  • Some campuses lend items from their special collections.

  • UCSC used display logic rules to allow special collection items to be discoverable but not display two request options. ( )

  • This issue might be governed by the NZ. If this group formulates a question, we can forward that to CDL sysops for clarification.


Gillian will share some documentation related to items with Aeon links.
Elizabeth will bring this up at PPC.



My ILL Link in Primo

Leaving as a placeholder for Elizabeth to do.

  • Has any campus already identified a place for this button to live? Already Alma campuses?

  • Our desired placement for the button

  • Could be investigated post-go-live

  • Finalized decision page after investigation from Discovery FG should include any configuration instructions (if something can be set up of course), so other campuses can do their own configuration if desired.




  • It looks like already Alma campuses do not have a “My ILL” button in Primo.

  • Not everyone will be using the UC Davis method for renewals.


Elizabeth will draft a recommendation page related to the My ILL button.



Parking Lot





Members can add to the parking lot issues that they feel need to be considered or tracked.












Basecamps and Kinks

Just keeping these here so we don’t lose track: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/3747769701

























Future agenda items


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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu