2023-10-30 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
Chair - @Michele Potter
Notetaker - @Ellen Augustiniak
Regrets: Alison Lanius
@Danielle Westbrook
@Chan Li
@Daisy Nip
@Lisa Wong
@Ellen Augustiniak
@Denusha Amaladas
@Michele Potter
@Sarah Sheets
@John Riemer
@Susan Boone
Item & Desired Outcome | Time & Who | Notes | Decisions & Actions | |
1 | Assemble
| Ellen (Irvine) takes notes. |
2 | FY22-23 UCL/UCOP annual stats summary discussion
| 40 @Michele Potter | Leave ILL and network in schedule E? Poll:
UCB questions:
Is this an opportunity to consult with Fulfillment Ops?
Daisy’s analyses: Where Network is checked out: User Groups included: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rxFnym_NYSAdVwI2VdH0uLV9MhECeOm5/edit#gid=1437389681 | We are leaning do not include and will check in with Fulfillment. Confirm, however: ILL and Network are still counted in Schedule C! Everyone: if interested in engaging with local campus ILL or circ folks - pls do that. @Ellen Augustiniak will create rough draft decision page by Oct 31, 2023 @Chan Li, @Lisa Wong and @Michele Potter will decide how to engage Fulfillment and ILL Ops, and do that by Oct 31, 2023
3 | FY22-23 UCL/UCOP annual stats summary discussion
| 5 campuses with affiliates - review new view with affiliates and confirm format - no need to double check counts. Question is: does this layout give you what you need?
@Daisy Nip will send an email asking to verify affiliate overview and what’s included as volumes by Oct 31, 2023 Any campus with a “Follow up” on Table 1 - dig into that by Nov 3, 2023 | |
4 | Wrap up
| 5 |
5 | Parking Lot
| Schedule D |
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