2023-05-01 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • Ready for review
  • 2023-05-01 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone

    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong


    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed) (maybe)

    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator




    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator






    Review previous notes and tasks

    3m - Ellen



    Check in: Campus form to determine what/how to exclude Special Collections & Archives from Alma Analytics reporting for UCL/UCOP annual stats

    10m - Danielle

    • Confirmed: We are excluding special collections and archives from Alma Analytics reporting, so that each campus can report these holding data locally (to then be submitted centrally, to created updated totals).

    • Deadline: Tuesday, May 09 eod to submit the form.


    ALL will complete the SC&A form by May 9, 2023

    Revised UCL/UCOP annual statistics: Prototypes for Review

    → Specifically, let’s prioritize outstanding questions/details that need to be confirmed before we submit our recommendations to SILS-LG (so long as we know it’s possible, the specifics of implementing reports can continue to be built out as we submit our deliverable).

    30m - Michele, Chan, Danielle, Daisy

    (Michele, Chan, Ellen and Danielle met to chat about prioritizing outstanding questions/details – here’s our proposed list)

    Goal: Prioritize outstanding questions/details that need to be confirmed before we submit our recommendations to the SILS Leadership Group.


    Outstanding questions/details for AASA-PT (in scope to the PT, for Network Zone reporting)

    1. Special Collections (what to exclude and how)

      1. Work underway (Being handled/explored through the SC&A form).

    2. DDA (if/how to remove DDA from NZ and IZ); currently DDA is included in the AA holdings report (Schedule A - Electronic Portfolio); ACRL asks institutions to exclude DDA for their submissions, though numerous UC campuses opt to include.

      • We do not have a uniform approach systemwide, regarding whether to include or exclude DDA for reporting total holdings. Therefore, we should create reports that enable both approaches.

    3. Withdrawn by modification date for FY

      • Resolved (now utilizing modification date; AASAPT reps can double check data and make note of any concerns/issues.

    4. Course reserves circulation (print) - ARL excludes Course Reserves in circ counts

      • Data anonymization processes are based on campus-set schedules. Does data anonymization interfere with associating annual circulation data (circs, course reserves) with specific user groups?

      • Still need to determine - are course reserve circs isolated by location name or by item policy? Potentially differs by campus.

    5. Groupings of libraries or locations (to represent reporting units)

      1. Being handled offline, between Daisy and AASAPT representatives where their campus reports their data by defined groupings

    6. Title-level reporting (new, not part of standard UCL/UCOP reporting): Should deduplication happen within format but not across? I.e., Dedup within print materials; dedup within electronic.

      • Title-level / de-dup reporting by format would be in alignment with ARL.

    7. Documentation of alignment and re-use of stats for ACRL & ARL

      • Harmonization subgroup has already started to track this.

    8. Renaming sheets/schedules

      • TBD

    Still TBD, but does not need to be “done-done” by submission date to SILS-LG

    1. Final formatting of NZ reports to campus (for the time being)

      1. Updates and new approaches entirely (e.g., not having multiple sheets in a workbook; not using Excel at all and instead using an API-driven website or Visualization) would be a longer-term project - needs assessment should happen first, to understand what folks need/want.

    2. Establishing process/workflows as part of annual stats to: affirm variables/parameters don’t need to change for reporting (spring); and give campuses an opportunity to review/affirm NZ outputs; etc.

    Outstanding questions/details for SILS-LG (and higher up)

    1. How to report the RLFs? Schedule A-print; Schedule D

      1. Status quo approach (by original depositor)? 

        1. Could do Schedule A-print by original depositor

        2. Could do Schedule D by RLF institution (though each ‘original depositor’ campus is still responsible for replacing the material in question)

      2. Or by RLF (as distinct institutions)?

    2. How do we want to reflect shared print holdings (campus and RLF based)? Status quo for UCL/UCOP stats has SP included as part of campus reporting (not reported distinctly, save for “total SP” - which represents a portion of the total already reported by campuses).

    3. Recommendation to begin developing policy and guidance around data-sharing that leans towards sharing as a default; can have exclusion categories that require campus permissions (e.g., all user data is anonymized (already status quo); financial data requires permission before accessing from NZ, etc.)


    • Decision: For DDA holdings, we will report them as a distinct count (e.g., electronic holdings less DDA; and DDA only)

    • Decision: For DDA, AASAPT will have a recommendation for each campus to consider using Alma Analytics auto features for DDA (which will simplify reporting and should make DDA management easier, though some human monitoring/intervention is still required locally on the management end when the auto features are enabled).

    • For creation of a new dedup/title-level report, we should conform with ARL and dedup within formats (print, electronic, microform) but now across.

    @Daisy Nip will create a form for collecting how to isolate and report DDA for each campus.
    @Gem Stone-Logan will investigate where data anonymization might impact associating annual circ totals by user group.
    @Danielle Westbrook will create a form for collecting how to isolate print course reserve circulations.

    Wrap up - Review actions and decisions

    5m - Danielle





    Parking Lot - Capture important topics for future discussion




    @Danielle Westbrook will get started on an outline for the report/deliverable for SILS-LG.


    The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
    Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu