2024-06-03 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
Chair: @Michele Potter
Notetaker: @Danielle Westbrook
@Daisy Nip
@Michele Potter
@Denusha Amaladas
@Ellen Augustiniak
@Lisa Wong
@Sarah Sheets
@Susan Boone
@John Riemer
@Danielle Westbrook
@Chan Li
@Anna Striker
@Alison Lanius
Item | Discussion points | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Assemble:
| 5 |
| Let’s check-in and verify what we can accomplish this summer. |
| ||
2 | Verifying the 2022 Output for UC Libraries statistics |
| These data were shared with the UC Libraries statistics contacts (some AASA-PT members also serve as their stats contact).
| Decision: AASA-PT members confirmed that the 22/23 UCL/UCOP annual stats should be posted the the website; we should remove the draft watermark. | @Daisy Nip and @Danielle Westbrook will finalize and post to the UC Libraries website. |
3 | Potential topics / issues to work on summer 2024 (work plan for 2024/25) |
| @Daisy Nip to remove physical/electronic re-bin; provide campuses with list of holdings that seem to have incorrect format type assigned. @Anna Striker is reaching out to HOSC chair, to check-in regarding the non-NZ/ILS special collections stats. |
4 | Work to carry-out in 24/25, for reporting summer 2025
| |
5 |
6 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
7 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
8 |
| Total | x/x |
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