2024-06-03 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

2024-06-03 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


Chair: @Michele Potter

Notetaker: @Danielle Westbrook


  • @Daisy Nip

  • @Michele Potter

  • @akshayagrawal

  • @Denusha Amaladas

  • @Ellen Augustiniak

  • @Lisa Wong

  • @Sarah Sheets

  • @Susan Boone

  • @John Riemer

  • @Danielle Westbrook


  • @Chan Li

  • @Anna Striker

  • @Alison Lanius


Discussion points








Discussion points









  • Note taker: dww

  • Recording




Let’s check-in and verify what we can accomplish this summer.



Verifying the 2022 Output for UC Libraries statistics

  1. Final copy of 2022-2023 UC Libraries and UCOP report.

    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IstLMvPus_mPCcJ-yYP3FcdljDugKMTI/edit#gid=198038702

    2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pHp0C-81P4DYR5Fsvz0qr7ShPKFxd467/view?usp=drive_link



These data were shared with the UC Libraries statistics contacts (some AASA-PT members also serve as their stats contact).


Decision: AASA-PT members confirmed that the 22/23 UCL/UCOP annual stats should be posted the the website; we should remove the draft watermark.

@Daisy Nip and @Danielle Westbrook will finalize and post to the UC Libraries website.



Potential topics / issues to work on summer 2024 (work plan for 2024/25)

  1. Special collections have different methods of counting.

  2. Fulfillments and Requests (what happened at the end?

  3. Deletions in the system do not equal withdrawals - results in some campuses self-reporting and some campuses generating additional stats for local campus reporting.

  4. Fulfillment by library for ACRL

  5. Did the end product seem clear?



  • Verify desire to include “fix” whereby electronic items accidentally tagged as physical are re-binned (and vice versa, physical items accidentally ragged as electronic are re-binned);

    • (a) Do we want to keep this re-binning, and have separate reports run to support data clean-up?

    • (b) Or should the fix be removed; stats reflect the holdings and titles as they’re currently reflected in the catalogue, and

  • Campus-based vote in favour of (b).

  • Clearer naming conventions are preferred: Physical by library/building; Physical circulation by user group)

  • Special collections are still outside the jurisdiction of NZ-reporting; each campus submits the three manuscript units stats, pictorial items and non-ILS microformats. These stats are incorporated into the holdings (physical) table.

  • Establishment of clear, standardized process overview and timeline (so everyone know what is needed / expected of them; everyone knows.

    • Clear process for AASA-PT (so folks know what they need to verify / bin)

    • Clear documentation for broader audience.

    • Need to be able to compare this year’s stats to last year’s stats – could have a pre-report (run before July 01, for review);

  • Decision: We should run NZ/centralized data on July 01; even if refinements are made throughout summer and we make the decision to re-run the data, July 01 run-date is the ultimate goal and will serve as a benchmark.

  • Decision: Remove re-bin for correcting electronic/physical collections erroneously catalogued. We should report holdings/titles as they’re represented in the catalogue.

  • Decision: Let’s further remove references to “Schedule” - let’s just have clear titles and descriptors.

@Daisy Nip to remove physical/electronic re-bin; provide campuses with list of holdings that seem to have incorrect format type assigned.
@Anna Striker is reaching out to HOSC chair, to check-in regarding the non-NZ/ILS special collections stats.



Work plan for 2024/25

Work to carry-out in 24/25, for reporting summer 2025

  1. Review Resource type designations

  2. What to do with Fulfillment - This year

  3. What to Do with Withdrawals - This Year



  • Withdrawals are complicated; only a few campuses can generate withdrawal stats from the ILS. Can we validate in Alma Analytics, whether the record was deleted due to a withdrawal vs. non-withdrawal action?

    • Physical items historical events?

    • Request inclusion of a note for deleted item.

  • Subgroup is al














Wrap up

Review actions and decisions








Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



















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