2023-04-24 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • Rough draft
  • 2023-04-24 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone

    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong


    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • CDL ​@Gem Stone-Logan

    Item & Outcome

    Time & Facilitator




    Item & Outcome

    Time & Facilitator





    Record Zoom meeting

    Review previous notes and tasks

    3m - x




    • Update on feedback

    • Proposal to develop a structured form for collecting/determining how to best exclude special collections from our AA reports, and what to exclude. For example, determining the location level(s) to exclude by campus (it might be by IZ.Library and/or by IZ.Library.Location), and if we should exclude everything in a Special Collections & Archives library and/or library location, or if circulating holdings/titles should still be reported.

    10m - Danielle W

    HOSC as a body has confirmed:

    • For the time being, we should not report special collections and archives materials through Alma Analytics for annual statistics. Special collections and archives will be provided separately (in separate schedules, locally managed).

    • Some HOSC members are intrigued by potential (future) opportunities to utilize reporting tools like Alma Analytics – so they’ve flagged it as a topic to discuss more amongst themselves. Should they decide to pursue this down the line, they know that they can reach out.


    • Some assuming that books and journals (circulating) should be included - if barcoded; should query this.

    • Differentiating RLF special collections and campus-based special collections, to determine how to appropriate exclude and report

    • Are we counting titles, volumes or footprint (linear feet)? What does Risk Management need?

    • Where are special collections stored (at library level, or location level)?

    • Which Resource Types should be excluded for special collections? Might potentially need to exclude based on Material Types.

    • Might need a combinative approach – location code, material type and item policy.


    Danielle to ask UCOP Risk Management-- for reporting to our insurer, do they ideally want volumes or is linear feet (the physical footprint) better for special collections?
    All - Each team member should look at their local queries and then report back/share (via the upcoming structured form) how Special Collections and Archives were excluded last year, for 21/22 stats.
    Danielle to build out template structured form, for AASAPT review and updates.

    Schedule Prototypes

    • Any issues/questions about the schedules

    • Forthcoming: Providing versions of these reports by campus-specific “groupings” (if applicable)

    25m - Harmonization Subteam (Daisy, Michele, Sarah, Heather, Alison, Danielle)

    • TBD by AASAPT: How to remove special collections; if/how to remove DDA; if/how to re-bin user groups for E; how to re-name these schedules/sheets; how to query course reserves

    • TBD by leadership: how to report RLFs

    • What else needs to be determined/discussed/resolved?


    • CDL has submitted a ticket to Ex Libris about date fields and potential differences between NZ and IZ; Daisy has emailed each AASAPT member for troubleshooting assistance. (See Action.)

    • Print course reserves (Schedule E): “In-House” use data is collected for those items used within the library (volumes/materials left on truck for re-shelving - they’re scanned before they are shelved.)

      • To determine print course reserves, we need to query by Item Policy and/or location. Likely Item Policy.

      • In the prototype, right now Checked Out data includes both circulating and reserves.

    • Re-binning user groups for Schedule E

      • Every campus has a slight different approach for User Group categories - no strong commonalities across and default user groups (i.e., the stock/set types that came with the system) are not uniformly used.

      • However, UCOP only utilizes the total circ in the their annual report for current operations. Therefore, let’s not prioritize re-binning User Groups - exploration of a more uniform approach could be a future task, particularly if informed by an analysis need or potential opportunity.

    • How to de-dup but not across formats? (ARL - wants you to dedup within formats, but not across). Could dedup based on MMS ID plus Resource and/or Material Type.

      • Besides serials, title-level hasn’t historically been collected for UCL/UCOP annual stats. Though it’s a need for ARL, and so should be figured out.

    • In finalizing shared reporting from the Network Zone, there are still many facets/filters to be confirmed. But what needs to be verified/confirmed before we submit our initial recommendation to SILS-LG? What are high-priority items that we want to verify before submitted our recommendations?

    • For schedule E, no need to rebin user groups right now (currently, OP uses the total circ - but not circ by user group); AASAPT can recommend that the UC Libraries in future consider developing more common practices across user group categories.

    • For schedule E, filter “course reserves” by Item Policy from “Checked Out” - then report Course Reserves and Checked Out (All other items)

    All - DN has emailed each AASAPT member, with a request to run a report at the IZ level. This will help with troubleshooting, to see if there are differences between querying IZ and NZ on the date. Folks should run the report within their IZ and look at differences between that IZ version and the prototype; each rep should also share their export with Daisy.

    Wrap up

    5m - Danielle W





    Parking Lot - Capture important topics for future discussion


    • Discussion topic for next AASAPT meeting: We should prioritize outstanding questions/details for the Network Zone reports - to focus on the specific details/facets that need to be confirmed before we submit our recommendations to SILS-LG (so long as we know it’s possible - the specifics of the report can continue to be built out as we submit our deliverable).




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