2023-02-13 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • In progress
  • 2023-02-13 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong


    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal (only for part of the meeting)


    Desired Outcome







    Desired Outcome







    Record Zoom meeting

    Review previous notes and tasks



    @Ellen Augustiniak


    Share any up-to-date, enlightening cataloging or acq policies to Google Drive. - due 6 March.


    Leadership Group Update Draft

    Request for feedback & edits to the February update for Leadership Group


    @Ellen Augustiniak



    Add or edit draft update to LG, preferably by eob Feb 16, 2023

    Current Practice Survey Sub team update

    Survey responses - review and discussion.


    Survey sub team

    • Initial analysis is underway; subteam has started by reformatting the survey responses

    • Have enough data to analyze and understand campus stats gathering processes broadly.

    • Looking across schedules A and D, there are numerous material types where many/most campuses aren’t using AA to generate the data. Looking at AA reports shared by campuses (also for Schedules A and D) - there are differences in item and format types (physical details; bibliographic deals and material type; bibliographic details and resource type). Use of creation date and receiving date are also two points of difference. Where local libraries (particularly affiliates) don’t use the cataloguing module, Received Date is null.

    Decision: Once we know how we want to change the data requirements/instructions, then we’ll do a deep dive into how to harmonize and centralize AA reporting.

    @Chan Li will merge the UCM responses (two were submitted - one for print, one for electronic) and add to the compiled survey response data.

    Harmonization Analysis: Sub team Update

    Update and request for feedback.



    Harmonization sub team


    • Principle-centred approach: Project principles + We are reviewing the data requirements specific to annual stats (not the value of a data point in a special project or event)

    Schedule A

    • Reporting start of year totals (e.g., 30-Jun-22) at the end of the year (30-Jun-23); previously, used for validating added and withdrawn; TBD the accuracy with which we can report start of year (at the end of the year) via Alma Analytics. Subteam currently determining whether to cut.

    • Do folks utilize withdrawn counts?

      • Yes: this data is utilized for annual reporting elsewhere.

      • For volumes - combining print and electronic volumes here makes downstream use difficult here.

    • Regarding serials, the data requirement is currently “serial titles received” - however, subteam thinks campuses are more often reporting “serial titles” (all). Subteam considering whether to change data requirement to Total Serial Titles (as in total titles held). Also looking to change purchased/not purchased (likely to reflect OA).

      • This emphasizes the need to have data requirements that makes sense.

    • For pamphlets, given the definition of this requirement (representing a broad range of materials), is there value in this? (Not from not from a project perspective (e.g., a dedup project) but in general (for general, annual stats)?

    • Government Docs: Per the instructions, this is for non-catalogued Gov Docs (i.e., it’s a manual count - not of all gov. docs, but just uncatalogued material; gov. docs are not otherwise counted (separately, as a standalone total) in annual stats. Not AA compliant. Subteam will recommend for removal from annual stats.

    Other discussion

    • Need to consider potential downstream impacts - e.g., Schedule B being cancelled; still need to understand physical withdrawn items reported in D where not tracked in AA.


    Subteam will develop a form to gather project team feedback/insights on the UCL/UCOP data requirement changes being considered.

    Wrap up

    Review actions and decisions







    Parking Lot

    Capture important topics for future discussion







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