2024-03-18 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
Chair - @Chan Li
Notetaker - @Danielle Westbrook
@Lisa Wong
@Chan Li
@Ellen Augustiniak
@John Riemer
@Sarah Sheets
@Michele Potter
@Denusha Amaladas
@Susan Boone
@Anna Striker
@Danielle Westbrook
@Daisy Nip
@Alison Lanius
Item & Desired Outcome | Time & Facilitator | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Assemble
| 5 |
| ||
2 | ARL | 40 |
| Decision: For ARL, some affiliates within an IZ need to be counted as distinct/separate entities for physical holdings – e.g., for Law schools, maybe Health Sciences libraries, etc. While this is a use case impacting only a subset of the partners, our shared goal is to reduce workload systemwide - there is AASA-PT agreement that the prototype should be revised to support those institutions who need to be able to run their stats to reflect two reporting obligations: dedup physical materials at the IZ level and dedup physical materials at the affiliate/component level (such that if UCI Law and UCI Main both hold a physical copy of the same title, they both include that count in their stat for title-level physical materials). | ALL complete AASA-PT ARL survey (created by Michele), to confirm how you typically report your ARL stats. One set of stats, for your entire institution? Or are some affiliates/components reported distinctly from Main (e.g., Law, special collections, etc.)? @Daisy Nip will confirm and report back how duplicate physical titles are reported in the Prototype (for MMS ID, is it deduplicated at the IZ level, or are internal affiliates/locations applied before deduplication is run?); if we need changes for how Law library title-level physical stats are run – e.g., to not dedup UCI at the IZ level but instead to dedup physical titles for UCI Law and UCI Main as if they were separate campuses - Daisy will confirm how the Alma Analytics query needs to be changed (potentially, some Law data may need to be re-run for ARL; then changes made to Prototype in future). @John Riemer and @Alison Lanius to confirm how UCLA and UCD Law Libraries are reporting their stats for ARL. @Daisy Nip will create an ARL-output from the UCL/UCOP Annual Stats prototype and ACRL output (as affiliates/components are currently reported, and including non-NZ/self-reported stats); she’ll aim to circulate this ARL output on Friday for review at Monday’s AASA-PT. |
3 | IPEDS AL Component Removal | 10 | The proposal and comments --- Ran out of time; hold for next meeting. |
4 | Wrap up: Review actions and decisions | 5 |
5 | Capture important topics for future discussion |
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