2023-07-10 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • Rough draft
  • 2023-07-10 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong


    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)

    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator




    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator






    Review previous notes and tasks

    5m - Ellen




    • AASAPT May report will be at the CoUL July 10 meeting

    • Special Collections & Archives - HOSC.

    5m - @Danielle Westbrook

    • DOC endorsed the project team’s May report at the end of June (yay!). The report has been shared with CoUL and will be reviewed for endorsement at the council’s meeting this afternoon.

    • The question currently with HOSC is regarding their direct involvement in determining which special collections / archives resource types should be excluded from NZ reporting.


    @Danielle Westbrook will follow back up with HOSC (with the holiday, we haven’t yet gotten a response).

    Round-robin update on local socialization

    15m - campus reps

    • UCB: Chan has met with UCB AULs and walked through recommendations. Significant support, though there are specific data concerns local to UCB - some numbers may not align with the non-ILS counts previously used by UCB. Unsure how long further review and socialization of the prototype will take. Previously, ILS was not used for some counts (e.g., microformats).

    • UCD: Prototype has been distributed to key stakeholders. Review/responses to the prototype have been positive so far. Alison is planning a follow-up.

    • UCI: Recently established a new Teams channel to focus on stats. Have been following up individually with local experts and carrying out some local socialization with the local committee that manages Alma & Primo; have shared the prototype. Overall, folks are excited and getting ready for this change.

    • UCLA: Have been working with local head of the library business office, who manages UCLA stats. There will be some significant changes.

    • UCM: Overwhelmingly positive - a lot of time savings. Noticed some differences in physical counts, which are seen as future clean-up projects. Overall, very welcome change.

    • UCR: Microformats are the big difference for UCR too. Still digesting the data/prototype. Overall total is good - resource specific differences now stem from new categories/types. UCR is still working out physical withdrawals; figuring out how to count when withdrawal is real and should be counted for capitalization.

    • UCSF: Clean up is also clear for us. Due to past practices, UCSF stats have included estimates. Bound journals currently have a shadow system for reporting; data source isn’t reliable/consistent. Looking to do some data clean-up as bound journals are shifted to NRLF. Mix of legacy issues from previous practices and learning how to best use Alma and impacts to analytics/data-reporting.

    • UCSC: Shared with manager; so far, no issues. Will share with circ experts soon. Been in regular communication as prototype was developed.


    • For microformats and other like resource types where the ILS previously wasn’t used for reporting - what is our goal in counting? ILS doesn’t reflect all pieces; but we all want to move away from labour-intensive counting. For microformats, these are largely historical collections and prior counts/stats were based in part on estimates.

    • For microformats, could we pursue (i.e., NZ outputs is multiplied by a factor of X to shift the NZ-based title/collection count to a piece/item estimate)? Potentially, if a factor can be estimated (this could be a campus-specific factor, based on microformat cataloguing practice and applicable collection sizes). Alternatively, we could shift to counting microformat collections instead of individual items.

    • Will it be clear what data still needs to be submitted by each campus? (Yes, that is the goal. Please see parking lot topic.)




    Prototype Review: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jlkHdkDRr11ss06oDYrCc3p15Hbb9K3_/

    25m - @Daisy Nip

    • AASA-PT needs to flag for resource management folks - that some material types are physical but categorized as electronic (and vice versa). The data outputs for NZ reporting have been re-binned (so the materials are appropriately reported); however, in support of data clean-up -- in the notes at top of reports -- Daisy has included some context and links to a separate data file, which outlines this misreporting issue (where the wrong type – physical, electronic – is applied).


    @Ellen Augustiniak to follow up with Daisy to see about modifying UCI’s DDA stats (there should be a total for candidate DDA). Ellen will also follow-up about “unpublished materials” (which partially represent the UCI manuscript collection).
    All should review the prototype and follow up with Daisy if there are potential edits.

    Wrap up - Review actions and decisions

    5m @Danielle Westbrook





    Parking Lot - Capture important topics for future discussion


    • Consider how non-NZ data schedules are circulated / supported (for the data each campus will submit).




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