2023-08-14 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • Rough draft
  • 2023-08-14 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone


    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)

    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator




    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator






    Review previous notes and tasks

    5m - Ellen




    Webinar - celebrate! And follow-up

    5m - @Danielle Westbrook

    • Webinar went super well! Yay!

    • Over 75 attendees!

    • Tons of positive feedback; folks are happy about these changes.

    • Reps can continue to share locally within appropriate channels (local Slack, teams channels, etc.); team members should share helpful approaches on the AASA-PT slack.


    @Ellen Augustiniak - Will reach out to SILS-LG/OT to see if they can share the Zoom recording of AASA-PT’s UCL/UCOP annual stats webinar and slide deck at this week’s SILS town hall.

    Proposed crosswalk

    5m @Daisy Nip and @Danielle Westbrook

    • Initial campus feedback: This is helpful for understanding potential changes to stats from prior years to current; highlights what was previously counted by hand (non-ILS).

    • Decision: As campuses use the Crosswalk for their review, additional feedback is always welcome.



    Feedback so far on instructions and prototype

    10m - @Danielle Westbrook

    • MMSID and Title Normalized - we selected Title Normalized originally because we were looking to reduce duplicate records.

    • The broader shift to Alma Analytics (from prior ILSs) is resulting in changes to stats; clean-up is ongoing; different approaches to systemwide data too (how we identify and report DDA).


    • UCB is meeting weekly; currently trying to understand eBook counts. Come prior hand-counts, still determining how to handle that (use what’s in Alma Analytics or continue to report hand count). Will be reaching out to Bancroft to collect their data.

    • UCD: Will begin local meetings soon. We were an early Alma adopter - it’s been a moving target and iterative. We’re ok with that. Happy with prototypes. We’ll meet to confirm and then advance the campus-based data.

    • UCI: No feedback specific to instructions - Ellen plans to reach out to folks.

    • UCLA: I’ll be leading campus stats work this year. Prior approach (last year) was just using Alma for added and withdrawn; so the Prototype is also the first item using Alma to count totals.

    • UCM: New to Alma; but campus has the shared understanding that these are early years in the new system and it won’t be perfect (still a work in progress). Sarah is continuing to touch base with local folks - so far, everyone is good with Prototype.

    • UCR: Interesting, between last prototype and this - total count increase. Potentially due to work occurred over last month; or edit by Daisy in response to some UCR-specific needs. Not working by committee - just immediately with AUL. No concerns.

    • UCSF: We have a lot of legacy data - so it’s not surprising that we have new/changed numbers. Nothing is alarming - we know we don’t have item records for local journal volumes; sending most to NRLF, so they’re getting those item records.

    • UCSB: Prototypes have been well received. Great feedback so far. SCA will be a bit more challenging, just with a new director and needing to understand what to report and how to exclude next year for reporting. Have reached out locally. Will be doing the campus-stats soon.

    • UCSC: Relaxed stance (everyone knows that iteration and change will happen, as clean-up happens and with the new process), but the feedback good so far. Showed data to circ staff - they thought it looked good. Happy to have a centralized prototype to respond to and not run it ourselves. Will have a meeting soon with supervisor.

    • Decision: AASA-PT will schedule an upcoming meeting to talk more about Title normalized.

    @Danielle Westbrook will reach out to the NRLF and SRLF stats contacts (Tim and Jon), cc’ing John and Chan, to note that the RLFs should report lending stats for all campuses, including their hosts. Danielle will also email the Resource Sharing Statistics Subteam, to see if this has implications for the shared reporting template.

    Next iteration of the Team

    10m - Breakout rooms


    • Decision: We’ll think about this offline - for discussion/feedback via Slack (or another mechanism) and at next week’s meeting.



    Wrap up - Review actions and decisions

    1m @Danielle Westbrook





    Parking Lot - Capture important topics for future discussion







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