2023-08-07 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • Rough draft
  • 2023-08-07 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone


    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong

    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)

    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator




    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator






    Review previous notes and tasks

    5m - Ellen




    Webinar - review

    5m - @Danielle Westbrook

    • Presenters: Alison, Chan, Ellen, Danielle and Daisy.

    • Monitoring chat: Susan

    • Attending for CoUL and SILS-LG: Lorelei Tanji and Lynne Grigsby (other members may also join)

    • The team is aiming to present for no more than 30 minutes, then spend the remaining time (~20 minutes) for Q&A.

    • Danielle will host the slide deck; presenters can say “next” if she’s slow clicking through.




    Proposed crosswalk

    15m @Daisy Nip and @Danielle Westbrook

    The crosswalk was circulated last week for initial review.

    • The proposed “parent” category is for sense-making and to represent a grouping for “Volume” (as we continue to need to report volume counts for other third party obligations). It also helps create 1:1 groupings when we have many:many relationships.

    • For ACRL and ARL, there is a requirement to report Volumes - we may want to align our parent definition of Volumes with those bodies (right now, it’s specific to UCL/UCOP annual stats).

    • Potentially (time-permitting), we can create a visual - to help folks understand the crosswalk.

    • Edit: Merge 2D and pictorial items parent categories (while still distinguishing when it’s for SCA/non-ILS).

    • Edit: For parent categories specific to SCA, add “non-ILS based) to the parent caetgory.

    • Edit: Add instructions in the ReadMe for how to read a row in the crosswalk.

    @Daisy Nip will update the Crosswalk based on the edits decided upon today.
    All - please review Crosswalk and send further feedback by end of week (08/11).

    Revised draft instructions and revised data schedules for campus-generated submissions

    10m @Danielle Westbrook



    @Daisy Nip will update the technical documentation for v8
    All - review and provide feedback (on the instructions and schedules) by end of day 08/08; end of day 08/09 can also work.

    Prototype (v8) feedback

    14m - @Danielle Westbrook @Ellen Augustiniak

    • Right now, ARL and ACRL support deduping by the 245 (acknowledging it’s imperfect); the annual stats approach will be in alignment (normalized title), acknowledging it’s also imperfect. UCB may have some feedback on an alternate approach; Chan is sharing v. 8 and will seek her colleagues feedback.


    @Daisy Nip - Create a single google doc that lists and links to all prototype versions, in reverse numerical order, with a brief blurb (1 sentence) summarizing what each prototype shows and how they’ve changed; to include a link to the technical documentation too.

    Wrap up - Review actions and decisions

    1m @Danielle Westbrook





    Parking Lot - Capture important topics for future discussion


    • For ARL, ACRL and next year (23/24) UCL/UCOP annual stats – determine whether dedup (title-level) should continue to be based on the normalized title (245), acknowledging its imperfections, or if a different approach is desired.





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