2023-05-22 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

2023-05-22 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


  • CDL @Daisy Nip

  • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

  • Davis: @Alison Lanius

  • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

  • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

  • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong


  • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

  • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

  • LA: @John Riemer

  • San Francisco: @Susan Boone

  • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

  • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)

  • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

Item & Desired Outcome

Time & Facilitator




Item & Desired Outcome

Time & Facilitator






Review previous notes and tasks

5m - Ellen



Finalizing report

10m - @Danielle Westbrook

Proposal: AASA-PT review to begin this Wed; the project team reschedules its 5/29 meeting (cancelled due to Memorial Day) to 5/30.

Decision: Reschedule AASA-PT meeting to 5/30. For all those participating in 5/22, 8:30 - 11:30 am works for a one-hour call.

Action: Danielle will poll AASA-PT members not in attendance today for their availability on 5/30 between 8:30 - 11:30 am.

Action: Danielle will circulate report with Steering tomorrow; all on Wednesday.


Withdrawn items vs. Alma’s deleted items

10m - @Ellen Augustiniak & @Daisy Nip

UC Irvine Law documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VNognKy2byvoBKI06c5TVPIOVXp17_D4/view?usp=share_link


  • What is the intended purpose for withdrawn materials for UCL/UCOP annual statistics? We’ve been collecting this for a long time; only UCI Law has a stated use case (we believe) and UCI Law believes that it can stop local withdrawn reporting.

  • Right now in Alma Analytics, reporting withdrawn records, based on deleted item status, outputs both withdrawn materials and deleted records (due to entry errors); there is also a known issue with the dates (not saved as a date field when manually keyed-in).


All - Hold a decision item at next week’s meeting: Should AASA-PT propose that we remove annual Withdrawn counts from UCL/UCOP annual statistics? May 30, 2023
@Ellen Augustiniak will work with @Daisy Nip to update the tracking table, to reflect this proposal to determine if we can stop reporting annual withdrawals.

DDA - stakeholders and path forward

5m @Ellen Augustiniak

E-Resources Operations can address harmonizing how campuses track paid-for vs. merely available portfolios for content from the half-dozen or so vendors in use for access-now, pay-later type programs, e.g., demand-driven, patron-driven, evidence-based, etc. Likely timeline: summer to fall. Not before NZ-based UCOP 2.0 in July 2023.




Campus customizations round-robin


Work still underway.




Wrap up - Review actions and decisions

5m @Danielle Westbrook





Parking Lot - Capture important topics for future discussion






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