2021-09-14 Com Leads Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PMOL

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PMOL

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads

  • Guest:

    • Stacy Brinkman



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Off-boarding questions



Ben, Adrian, Stacy

  1. Branding assets?

    1. Where does it live on site? They currently live in the Resource Lake folder. Leave them where they are for now. In future, the preference would be for patron-facing staff to be able to access this openly. Could they be on the UCLS site.

2. Which group oversees UCLS site going forward?

a. How long will UCLS site live on?

3. Caitlin’s role? Caitlin is SSM. She will primarily be focusing on SILS Ops at CDL. Not certain what specific jobs, if any, from P4 will become hers (e.g. communications like SILS News).

4. Should we complete our hand-off earlier than Dec. 3? Earlier is great but 12/3 is fine. PMs want to give everyone the chance to get as much done as they can before the project concludes.

EUOS will make recommendations for how long the UCLS website should be up and running and where they believe the branding assets should be kept. For now, branding assets will live in the Resource Lake.

Com Leads will make recommendations in their handoff docs as well for how long to maintain SILS News and for other tasks where there is not an obvious life-span or direct handoff.



Checkin/quick updates/anything from parking lot, slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.




Ben needs to scale back on the time he can commit to SILS. The charge was for 10 hours/wk (it has been a lot more than that).

Ben will get a better idea of what time he can actually commit and get back to us.

Adrian offered to come to WG meetings from now on. Ben to consider.




Editorial calendar (recurring)



Ben, Adrian

  • Draft an article for SILS cohort on presentations/publications on the SILS project:

    • Message on making presentations and publications on the SILS project:

      • Cohort members are free to make presentations and write publications at their discretion.

      • We’ll provide a place to track and share resources.

    • Create a folder in the resource lake for sharing presentations, publications, etc.

    • Create a sheet/page for tracking presentations on Confluence.

    • Create a Confluence page with links to the resource lake, and a note to “contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu” to have things added to the tracking sheet (if you don’t have edit access to Confluence).

    • What are the next steps for this? Time involved to get pull it together? By when would this go out?

      • Adrian is working on it.

      • Should have a draft by Friday.

      • Would likely go out next week (week of 9/20).

  • FYI: There is another SILS News coming about analytics (hopefully this week right after the analytics workshop) from Xiaoli, Lisa S. and Caitlin. They will write it for Com Leads to edit.




Town Hall for All (Governance)

Communication channels slide (at each meeting)

  • Sep 21:

    • Governance deep dive (UCLAS, SILS)

    • SILS Operations Center at CDL

    • Transition Task Force


  • Slides: TBD Link

  • MC: Adrian

  • Tech role: Ben (mutes/unmutes), advances slides, gives remote control access, and starts recording

  • Moderator Chat: - use meeting-chat channel

  • Public chat: sharing links, etc.- Danielle for SGTF and UCLAS? PMs for

  • Q&A (manage questions): MC will announce questions. PMs will monitor and ping chairs via zoom chat for questions as needed, and push Qs live.


Com Leads

  • Any actions we need to do now?

    • Add Caitlin Nelson to webinar as a panelist. Done!

    • Add Ginny, Aislinn, Micquel and get them links.

    • Adrian will introduce Miquel and will manage the transitions to other speakers

    • Questions will not move into a private queue and will be visible throughout. Need Danielle to moderate Qs and chat for the SGTF and UCLAS? portion.


@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will get links for webinar to Micquel, Ginny & Aislinn

Town Hall for All Deep Dives: Oct-Dec

  • How to source and schedule:

    • 3rd Tuesday: 10/19, 11/16, 12/21

    • Ask on SILS Chairs, PPC, WG.

    • Criteria:

      • Discussion-worthy and have input from multiple people, e.g., forum

      • Controversial or complex and would benefit from Q&A

      • 60 minutes

      • What is it not? quick updates or topics that impact a narrow group of staff.

      • You'll walk away with actionable tips, best practices and resources that will help you elevate your work!

    • Ideally, set the topics now. Set a deadline for proposals by 9/17.

    • Announce at 9/21 TH.



Topics form is due 9/17.

If no topics the decision is to let it be unless someone comes forward at some point with an idea.



Com Leads ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?



  • Upcoming work per Com Leads work plan

    • Thank you letters (send in early December per SILS co-chairs)

      • Samples from phase 3 (mail merge, email cover letter, letter, etc.)

      • Make a list of all groups and subgroups/task forces.

    • Phase 4 final report (folder with outline)

    • No Com Leads in ongoing gov. Transition communications to ongoing SILS shared governance. What is involved here?




Parking Lot




  • Operation Leads post-mortem: when to schedule? October.

  • Com Leads to facilitate post-mortem for EUOS so chairs can participate fully.

    • Yes, Adrian will offer.




Wrap up




Any actions or decisions missed?












The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu