2021-04-13 Com Leads Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PM Lead

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PM Lead

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from parking lot, slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.




  • Thoughts on how to do this?

    • “While this wasn't explicitly said, I'd like to recommend that the timeline for end user outreach include not just the work of EUOS but also the Discovery group as that goes hand-in-hand.” And does this affect the timing of our SILS News on “Should EUOS timeline PDF go out in SILS News? Yes, but not as a stand-alone post. Also mention the UC Library Search website.”

    • This is between EUOS and Discovery. Be clear EUOS’s doc is a communications timeline. If Discovery elements need to be shared with users, they are handing off those things to EUOS for their news releases. Com Leads also share news about discovery work. EUOS is waiting for groups such as discovery to make decisions that are appropriate for end-users.

PMs take this back to steering in case we need to circle back to LT.

@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to add this topic to PM update on SILS Steering

Midterm report

Final ready for SILS Steering and WG?



Next steps? WG to do final edits by EOD 4/14.

Pinged LG to see if she approves of the draft CM provided for report.

@Adrian Petrisor and @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will work on the final draft of the Phase 4 midterm report before Friday’s WG meeting.

“This month in SILS” PILOT

Start of the month talking points about SILS; release as a SILS News.


  • Last week of the month: Ask via SILS Chairs slack channel - what’s your “need to know” (for library staff) for this month to share in SILS News? If you were speaking at a TH, what’s the one thing your group would want to share.(OK if you don’t have anything). Share answer in SILS Chairs slack (meet people where they are.)

    • SILS PM talking points

    • EUOS news releases talking points

  • Com Leads refine it. Ready to go out on the first of the month as a SILS News.

  • Reminder at the SILS chairs meeting.








Editorial calendar (recurring)



Ben, Adrian

What’s on deck? Anything we need to think ahead about?

  • Congratulations on completing Alma/PrimoVE certification requirements!

  • Make Listserv archive the click-thru link?




SILS Town Hall meeting (recurring)

  • Chairs talking points

  • Copy slide deck for reuse

  • Finalize slide deck

  • Check questions in the queue

  • Confirm several weeks in advance with guest speakers (calendar of speakers)

  • Decisions slide (Review decisions in Com Leads one week before the TH. Ask chairs for a sentence on what is the decision and why it matters and tell them to prepare for Qs.)

Future topics:

3rd Tuesdays: 5/18


  • PM update:

  • Slides:

  • MC:

  • Chat: (use Com Leads channel for offline convo)


Com Leads

Anything we need to think ahead about?

  • Any questions submitted in advance?






Town Hall for All

Communication channels slide (at each meeting)

  • Q2: 4/19 11-12

    • EUOS

    • Roundtable on changes SILS will bring to library culture (Com Leads draft questions; Op Leads review questions; Com Leads send final questions by 4/12)

  • Q3: 7/29 11-12

    • TBD (Post-go-live shared governance?)


  • PM update: Christine

  • Slides: Ben

  • MC: Adrian

  • Tech role: Ben (mutes/unmutes), advances slides, gives remote control access, and starts recording

  • Moderator Chat: - use Com Leads channel

  • Public chat: sharing links, etc.- PMs

  • Q&A (manage questions): MC will announce questions and push live. PMs will monitor and ping chairs via zoom chat for questions as needed.

  • Christine to post round table questions as they are asked to chat so participants can add to the conversation.

  • Lena to push questions to the live queue AFTER we know who will answer the question. (Ask chairs if they can answer them before pushing live)


Com Leads

  • TH checklist

    • Proofing deck, presenter prep, webinar settings

  • Use “Remote Control” function for presenters (slide advancing)

  • Questions:

  1. Qs that we don’t want to answer publicly - decision tree (inappropriate - any other category?) | Not realistic

  2. Hardball Qs - ask for clarification, acknowledge complexity, clarify that the answer is not going to cover everything | Adrian is prepared to do this in moderator role … But, how to assess? Disclaimer should be done by the person who is willing to answer.

  3. Qs that come in the Chat box - does the moderator copy it in the Q&A box along with name of person submitting it? | Ask person to put their question in Q&A instead

  4. Qs that are answered immediately by one presenter - Q&A moderator reads both Q and A | Ben investigates

  5. Qs that require follow-up - the presenter who is willing to answer unmutes the person who asked | Once a question has been selected, the Tech is unmuting the person who asked the question

  6. Assign Q&A arbiter role | only veto power

  7. Qs that may be answered by one of group chairs: Lena copies the Q in zoom chat, and asks if a chair can answer. If yes, the PM moves the question to the live queue which lets the MC know they can read the question.

  8. For unanswered questions, share the answers with the recording and slides (via the ICs)

@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will ensure chat can be saved.
B&A to review the Q’s and how to handle them and share on Mon AM at 9am with C&L

Com Leads ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?







Parking Lot




  • In progress: Patron complaint escalation process message (Adrian). Next steps: draft the email to CoUL to share with their library staff.

    • escalation path

    • enough changing to send to all campuses (not just the new-to-Alma campuses)




Wrap up




Any actions or decisions missed?











Work in Progress:

Com Leads

  • SILS Communications Calendar

  • Virtual town hall for cohort

  • Virtual town hall for all (start early Nov; quarterly)

  • Celebration milestones and what’s involved


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu