2021-08-12 Com Leads Meeting notes
@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PMOL
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PMOL
@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads, out
@Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads
| Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Checkin/quick updates/anything from parking lot, slack or email
| 5 | All |
| Atlassian's response: this happens because the browser used previously by the user who had the account deleted or deactivated cashed the account credentials. Attlassian cannot do anything remotely to influence the user’s browser behavior. There are only three ways to avoid this issue:
| @Adrian Petrisor will file a ticket with Atlassian about how to remove accounts and still have view access in Confluence. |
2 | Phase 4 final report to CoUL | Review outline/timeline and next steps
3 | Editorial calendar (recurring) |
| 5 | Ben, Adrian | Awesome article by OP on UC Library Search: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/2021/08/uc-library-search-the-next-generation-of-inter-library-lending-is-here.html | Share via SILS News and the all-cohort slack with OP article Draft a SILS News on the Transition Task Force for week of Aug 23 |
4 | Socializing the new SILS governance structure | Check-in with Adrian and Ben, re: socializing the SILS Structure For the September 21st town hall and online presence, we should include:
Further preparation:
When should we begin to socialize and focus more on the new structure?
What are we doing:
What is this called?
| FYI |
5 | Town Hall for All Communication channels slide (at each meeting)
| Roles:
| 15 | Com Leads |
6 | Com Leads ongoing checkin |
| 0 | All |
| @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will share a sample thank you letter with Com Leads |
7 | Parking Lot |
8 | Wrap up |
| 0 | All | Any actions or decisions missed? |
9 |
| Total | 50/50 |
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu