2024-09-04 Meeting notes


  • Sarah Lindsey, Chair (out)

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam, Vice Chair

  • Ramon Barcia (out)

  • Tom Bustos

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jackie Gosselar

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Xiaoli Li (out)

  • Caitlin Nelson (out)

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Robin Gustafson, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

  • Darren Furrey

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ERLCYB4cdrAWQcVZu2sGsepr7PRvycJV/view?usp=drive_link



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

2 minutes


  • LG update - Robin

    • last meeting was cancelled

    • newsletter forthcoming

  • AC - no update available




Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

18 minutes



  • last meeting was 8/16/24

  • next meeting is 9/20/24

  • Update from Gem

    • allow redirect lists

    • latest issue - pushed to all UCs except UCB and UCSD

      • question from John: is the 7 out of 10 campus situation a vestige of the 3 campuses with a comma in their name issue?

    • still needs to see if this is an “in production” feature (not currently in release notes from February) - Gem is still investigating

    • Gem has created a monthly report to monitor any changes made by ExL

    • Question still remains as to why ExL pushed out this change?

  • Greg (UCSD)

    • back button issue that could not be duplicated by ExL

    • asked Greg to add this: allow_exl_to_login_as_staff_users

      • allows ExL to become you

      • located in Config | User Management | Other Settings

        • parameter options are true or false

        • Greg noted that choosing true allows the option for a checkbox to appear. The checkbox allows users to give ExL permission to act on their behalf.

      • has this been offered to any other campuses?

        • Tom has experienced something similar in other systems - this option will log changes made by the outside entity as being yours

      • Greg’s follow up questions about this setting went unanswered

    • Greg asked ExL to try duplicating the issue in the sandbox - the issue has now been fixed as of this morning

    • Ideally, we would like to schedule a zoom session with ExL to demonstrate the issue rather than - Lakshmi will suggest to ExL

  • Jackie - ticket #07494692

    • duplicated fulfillment rules discovered in lending approval rules for the resource sharing unit

    • effects are still being explored/determined

    • ExL suggested it possibly happened prior to implementation - they are currently investigating


@Lakshmi Arunachalam to propose a Zoom session to demonstrate issues that ExL cannot duplicate on their own, as opposed to other solutions proposed by them thus far

Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

12 minutes


  • Greg - local admin permissions question

    • UCI makes sure those who obtain this type of permission have the proper training, sometimes they just need Read Only access

    • UCB - admin personnel only, other access is on a case by case and special permission, need to take Alma certification, policy of least privilege

      • when issues arise, a screensharing teaching session ensues to demonstrate configuration changes, etc., so people understand

      • permission is not granted after a teaching session though

    • UCSB - policy of least privilege as well

    • UCSD - view only access is not a problem, more conversations lately regarding more access beyond view only

    • Tom - noted UCOP policy IS-3

  • Gem provided the following document: Alma Privileges




Project Team presentations

  • discuss upcoming schedule of presentations

  • discuss desired outcomes of these presentations

4 minutes


  • Current schedule of presentations:

    • 9/18/24 - OARM

    • 9/25/24 (additional SILS OT meeting) - EIMP

    • 10/2/24 - discuss presentations and craft a draft recommendation for LG

  • Lakshmi reviewed the schedule above

    • clarified that OARM had recommendations SILS OT still needed to decide upon

    • talking points for SILS OT will be forthcoming




OT workplan

  • discuss new Project Team Tracking

4 minutes





Pending projects / materials:

  • FYI updates on anything we’re waiting for

10 minutes


  • (Revisit after August / Sept 2024) Data Forms Privacy - revisit after data policy and privacy project team recommendations have been published

    • revisions are still pending

    • final report will be shared after revisions

    • Still awaiting final report from LG before further action

      • update from Jeremy - mostly done, but still investigating share account use and prevalence

      • UCD answering LG follow up questions - due 9/6

      • Tom pointed out doubling of accounts might ease this issue

  • Network user records purges (discussion to be continued)




Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

0 mins






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 mins







50 minutes






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu