@Marcia Barrett (UCSC)
@Catherine Busselen (UCSB)
@Claudia Conrad (CDL)
@Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)
@Rachel Jaffe (UCSC) (notetaker)
@Tricia Lampron (UCI)
@Cathleen Lu (UCSF)
@Naomi Shiraishi (UCB)
@Israel Yáñez (UCD)
@Erica Zhang (UCLA)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
| @Catherine Busselen |
2 | Announcements | 1. CSU Norm Rules Task Force Report
| 10 min | Everyone |
| Decision: Group is OK with considering the accessibility check of the Confluence space done.
| @Marcia Barrett and @Catherine Busselen Need to confirm when Phase 2 convenes All: Be prepared to commit interest (or not) in joining Phase 2 by 10/24 meeting
3 | Are there gaps in the list? Review, discuss, and finalize resources, descriptions, and resource type names.
| 20 min | @Marcia Barrett | Need to review resource type terms and to simplify, consolidate and standardize them. Discussion about whether or not to include links to both OA and paywalled versions. | Decision: Include both OA and paywall links for resources. | @Tricia Lampron , @Claudia Conrad and @Erica Zhang will take a pass are reviewing the resource type terms | |
4 | Review & comment, edit, etc. for October 24 meeting | 3 min | @Marcia Barrett | Action item for October 24 meeting |
| All: Reviews Draft Introduction before 10/24 meeting | |
5 | Wrap up | Review of past action items and actions and decisions made during this meeting | 5 min | @Catherine Busselen |
| |
6 | Final Report Subgroup | Work out logistics of report drafting with subgroup | 10 min. | @Catherine Busselen | @Catherine Busselen @Marcia Barrett @Israel Yáñez @Naomi Shiraishi can discuss All others can leave the meeting a bit early!!!! |
7 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Review and update of Work Plan (estimated July 11, October 10, December 12) Major Action Items Remaining
| Catherine, Marcia, Israel, and Naomi - subgroup for draft final report |
8 |
| Total | 55 min |
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