2021-7-22 Fulfillment & ILL FG Meeting notes


Jul 22, 2021 11:00 AM


  • @Mark Marrow , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Sahra Klawitter , UC Riverside

  • @Micquel Little (Unlicensed) , UC San Francisco

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Joseph Ferrie , California Digital Library

  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Judea D'Arnaud, UC San Diego

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed) , UCLA

  • @Joe Ameen , UCM (Liaison) Note Taker





Weekly Testing

The Fulfillment FG and ILL Ops should conduct tests with the following scripts in the order outlined below. The AFN will be configured first, then IVEA, and finally NCIP. The groups will aim to test 2-3 during their weekly meeting. Additional tests will be added as needed.

Viewing Network Activity (shared patron loans and contact information)
UC User With No First Name in their IZ record
Add/Delete/Save Data to Patron Record
UC User Stub Record Shared Information Fields
Manual Blocks (04 ILL and 05 All) Applied Locally for Users
No OCLC Number- Available Title Direct FN Request From SRLF
Walk-in user from other UC (Faculty)
Proxy Walk-In User from Other UC
Walk-in user from other UC (Blocked User)
Patron renewal in Primo
Digitized Article AFN Request
Patron With Expired Account (Account Renewal/Item goes to Lost and Fee is Charged)
Available Monograph AFN Request
Patron Request for Item (Pickup from alternate location/expired hold)
North to South/South to North Rota Test
AFN Monograph Request- Not Filled
rlf non-circ/building use item request using AFN
Fines/Fees Graduate Student
Due date when a library is closed

Discussion items


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Check-in/ Updates

PPC meeting updates and review of any action items from last meeting

Quick share of any local team updates.




Members should update the “Dates scheduled for events related to resource sharing VDX integration…” page to keep it up to date as plans change.




Resource Sharing Test Plan for Go-Live


Testing Plan:

Scott added this test using an ALA request in VDX

Joe would like help reviewing and improving this AFN test. The original he was working from was lacking detail about how to perform each step.



There will be considerable testing on the fly for those campuses turning on Resource Sharing starting on day one.

Workflows different than those tested in the previous phase may create hiccups or delays. Individuals should contact Joe Ferrie as soon as they can to sort that out.

Joe is waiting for approval from the ICs to turn on NCIP after go-live.

Testing will likely begin sometime on the 27th.

There will be a Doodle poll to help schedule testing between campuses. Individuals can also use SILS Slack channels to coordinate.





To Do For Go-Live

    • Jason was going to make some changes to the “On Hold Shelf Letter” form.



This should be tested after Go-Live.

There will be issues with how the AFN handles letters. They generate from the lender instead of the pickup location.

This might be something to request as an enhancement.



Jason will make some changes to the “On Hold Shelf Letter” form.




My ILL Link in Primo

Leaving as a placeholder for Elizabeth to do.

  • Has any campus already identified a place for this button to live? Already Alma campuses?

  • Our desired placement for the button

  • Could be investigated post-go-live

  • Finalized decision page after investigation from Discovery FG should include any configuration instructions (if something can be set up of course), so other campuses can do their own configuration if desired.




  • It looks like already Alma campuses do not have a “My ILL” button in Primo.

  • Not everyone will be using the UC Davis method for renewals.


Elizabeth will draft a recommendation page related to the My ILL button.



Parking Lot




Joe Ferrie is putting together a smoke test protocol for July 26. This will include pairing up with someone from another institution.

The AFN will be turned on or off for institutions that aren’t lending. If a campus only wants to handle digital materials, they will probably have to cancel requests for physical items.



Members can add to the parking lot issues that they feel need to be considered or tracked.




Basecamps and Kinks

Just keeping these here so we don’t lose track: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/messages/3747769701

























Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu