2023-01-19 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Note

2023-01-19 CDLNZ-PT Meeting Note


  • @Sherry Lochhaas

  • @Angelica Felix

  • @Maria Figueroa

  • @Gem Stone-Logan , facilitator

  • @Lisa Mackinder

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Tamara Pilko

  • @Erika Quintana

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson , project champion

Meeting Recording List


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Facilitator intro











  • Team member addition request

  • Usage cost update

    • Should we be looking at this issue more holistically rather than just the specific bug we’ve encountered?





Discuss Fiscal Rollover




UCD fiscal rollover procedure

  • Grace period might be a useful option for CDL. (We currently have a grace period of 30 days setup.) Though, UCD and UCR haven’t used it in their systems. Would want to make sure your FY are correct when using that feature.

  • When open fiscal year, how to do projected costs for all products?

    • Continuing orders will roll over and should be relatively simple.

    • What to do when there are one-time orders where you do need a projected amount?

  • Fiscal rollover also allows rolling over by type (one-time, continuing, etc).

  • Can also apply an inflation factor. (This might be called FPC factor?) - Also see the “New encumbrance calculation” section in the previous doc.

  • Print payment and project, have one data point that really should be two:

    • CDL category - one-time, continuous, scholcomm(?). More a reflection of the funding source than whether or not the resource continues. However, one-time funding may not mean it’s a one-time resource. So may need to separate language from funding source and fund type.

    • May need additional CDL funds and change the fund type to reflect if it’s a one-time funding source.

  • In analytics, could exclude cases where prepay by using the renewal date.

  • To exclude from projections could maybe use reporting code. Could also use renewal note if you use predetermined codes to note that.

  • The word “projected” is really an encumbrance. Do this for everything we know is going to have a charge. In past ILS can’t encumber something that’s a subscription. In Alma, can we encumber for everything regardless of it’s behavior? Answer: Yes, Alma forces this in almost all cases. Technical and gift might be the exceptions. Or something that is fully invoiced.

  • Do campuses encumber everything such as serials and subscriptions - Yes. Only thing UCR might not encumber is gift or technical purchase.





Next Steps









Parking Lot / Overflow




Notes/Topics for Ex Libris Consulting

Best Practice: How long to wait for collection to show in CZ vs creating local record? Inventory subteam will look and probably send to Eres for further discussion.

Vanderbilt integrated with Oracle and did a presentation on it.

For reference: Out of Office/Vacation Schedule




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