2022-03-16 Meeting notes

2022-03-16 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







System/Component Down Communication Path

Review and discuss strawperson doc; prep to discuss it at the next OT meeting

36 mins


  • Reformatted the Guide for tiered technical communications so that it is Level 3, Level 2, Level 1

    • Updated the title/description for each level

  • Discuss and added narrative at the beginning of the document

    • What if it’s something that is not a system/component down? Is that out of scope for this document?

      • It’s related, and we can probably massage this document further for that situation

      • Do we need best practices for communicating issues? Or do we already have them?

  • Discussion about whether listing the email addresses or slack channels in the document makes sense

  • Is this document specifically for the OT Rep?

  • To discuss with entire OT:

    • QUESTION: Should we specify that the OT rep does the Level 2 and Level 1 communications?

    • Do we want to specify Slack or email or both, or NOT specify?

  • Next step: Include it on the agenda for next week, and when we send the agenda, let everyone know it’s a preread for next week




Local Resource Type Issue handoff to the Discovery Operations Subteam

Discuss how to hand off the Local Resource Type Issue to the Discovery Operations Subteam, and next steps for following-up with the Local Resource Type Taskforce

16 mins


  • OT-SC needs some type of write-up from the Local Resource Type Taskforce in order to handoff this issue to the Discovery Operations Subteam

    • Write-up should include: problem statement, current context (what you’ve found so far), impact statement, rationale, desired outcome(s) / recommendations.

  • Priority level:

    • Once OT-SC gets a write-up from the Taskforce, OT-SC can further discuss its priority level

    • If this issue should be treated as a high-priority, we will let the Discovery Team know that the OT sees this as a high-priority, and that they can add it to their other high-priorities


@Jackie Gosselar and @Mallory Gianola will draft and send an email to the Local Resource Type Taskforce to request that they write-up a document to hand-off to the Discovery Operations Subteam

UCOP Statistics and Analytics

Need to discuss this further

3 mins

Jackie / Team

  • Caitlin forwarded email from Danielle Westbrook

  • Decided to discuss this further at next OT meeting




Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

3 mins





Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

Confirm topics for Meeting with Ex Libris on 3/21

2 mins

Caitlin / Team

  • RLF root cause,

    • NRLF issue and consortial impacts

  • CDI issues not timely

  • Physical holdings not showing up in Primo (Lakshmi)

  • Development of tool for CDL


@Caitlin Nelson will put these on Ex Libris agenda

E-Resources Change Management

Review, discuss, and determine next steps

60 mins


  • OT-SC needs to have a meeting with CDL Collections staff to understand root cause for not using Alma NZ and get a clearer picture

    • What can be done to get them working in Alma?

  • After that meeting, we can reconvene with OT-SC, Chairs of eRes and Acq group, and CDL Collections reps and discuss how to move forward


@Caitlin Nelson will look into setting-up a meeting with the appropriate people in CDL to discuss this topic
@Tom Bustos will set-up the meeting with CDL Collections staff after Caitlin confirms who should attend

Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion









120 mins






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