2022-06-22 Meeting notes

2022-06-22 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member (out)



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Conversation with Madelynn Dickerson from DCPT

Discuss status and plans for DCPT



-summary of final report, which is almost done: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xbz5jLcUFmsJwsOGuPaYYqeYmBSZmmg-J6oAUEFZrDY/edit

-charge for group ends in June, final task to create a report to share with OT

-have been meeting weekly since January, and following the outlined charge; walked through document

-focused on issues of potential barriers, and issues experienced by campuses which may be impacting this work

-developed decision tree; and to help folx think through the decision tree, also put together visibility pre-assessment questionnaire → would inform decision makers and best practice recommendations

-updated other documents and included as appendices as narrative part of report

-analysis of Primo VE display issues, also included key considerations, including issues of collections vs. item level representation

-aggregation options in UCLS

-suggestions for ExL enhancements; UX and analytics

-included feedback from discovery, including user testing

-recommendations for next steps, including sending out pre-assessment survey to be done by another SILS group, another group to take ownership over the DCPT decision tree

-goal: operationalize digital collections workflows for all UC campuses, “the term is over but the work is not done” → the findings should be moved to another group in SILS

Feedback on summary:

-OT may be the best vehicle for submitting survey to campuses

-DCPT has done very thorough work on this, including identifying issues

Action item: OT will share report through OT Slack channel to provide thoughts and feedback by Friday, June 24. Then feedback will be relayed to DCPT for their final meeting next week

-a new project team or task force will be needed in the future to continue this work. a relationship with DOST will be valuable. will likely be an expertise based group rather than representative.

-whenever the new team forms, it may need to happen soon as to not lose momentum. not a short term team; will need to set a sustainable pace because we are no longer under the time constraint of implementation


@Tom Bustos will share report through OT Slack channel to provide thoughts and feedback by Friday, June 24. Then feedback will be relayed to DCPT for their final meeting next week

Following-Up with Project Teams and Working Groups

Discuss plan for OT / OT-SC following-Up with Project Teams and Working Groups; determine process, calendar, etc.



-Primo repository

-one meeting per month per group; allocating 15-20 minute update. First meetings:

-CDLNZ -July 13
-OA-RMPT - August 10
-Primo repository - September 7

Begin asking project teams to do updates at OT meetings

Action item: bring to OT to sign off on new update schedule

Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting



  • Updates from All-Chairs, include NERS

  • Update from ExL support meeting

  • Discuss project updates at OT meetings regularly (every other meeting)

  • DCPT conversation

  • System/component down decision tree vote




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion















The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu