2022-04-27 Meeting notes

2022-04-27 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Todd Grappone (“past chair” guest)

  • Mallory Gianola, Support Member



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Role of Past Chair in First Year of OT

Discuss how the role of the past chair may contribute to the first year of the OT

30 mins


  • Tom spoke with Aislinn about what the thought process was behind adding the Past Chair to the OT; not sure what the reasoning was for including a Past Chair in this first year of OT

    • Aislinn recalled the purpose was to have two different methods of communication - 1 from OT to LG and 1 from LG to OT; a way to balance the communication so that one person would not have to carry both loads of communication in each direction

      • Seems like better system design to have this redundancy

    • Does the past chair continue to participate on LG?

      • This buddy system now makes sense, but in future years, does the past chair continue to participate in LG? What role does that take on? If the past chair isn’t part of LG, then you don’t have that other flow of communication

      • Not seeing that the past chair has a role in LG in the future

    • The question would be going forward, after the first year, do we want the past chair to have a seat at LG, for that communication purpose?

      • Or do we want to make that a role of the vice chair going forward?

    • Perhaps we should propose an amendment to what’s written so that the OT Chair is a sitting member of the LG, and that someone from LG is a sitting member of OT-SC or OT, to create this duality

      • But it doesn’t make sense to have the LG past chair on OT, since that person is no longer connected to LG

      • Actually, LG chairs are chair for 1-year, but LG members serve staggered 3-year terms; so the current LG chair would still be serving on LG, even after they are no longer chair

    • In agreement that someone from LG serves on OT and someone from OT serves on LG, so each person is responsible for each line of communication

      • Can workout the timing of roles and the strangeness of this first year, later on

        • This would be a good discussion to bring up to LG

    • What if the LG vice chair was the liaison with OT?

      • Seems like it could be a better fit for the role of chair and vice chair

      • But would be good to keep in mind what the role and commitments are of the chair and vice chair; would be large commitment for the vice chair of LG to add another committee

    • Would be helpful to find the middle ground between full redundancy and some overlap

      • Want to be mindful of people’s time commitment with SILS; there are discussions, meetings, discussions outside of the meetings, etc.

      • The people representing the system have to be available for other topics/meetings that come up as well

  • Would be best to have Todd come in when we need input from LG

    • Perhaps we invite Todd to all of the OT meetings, and Todd decides whether he needs to attend depending on what’s coming from LG, and the OT meeting agendas

    • That sounds good to Todd; as long as there is an agenda available and there is communication via Slack, i.e. OT lets him know when it’s important for him to attend

    • Could also build agendas for when we need LG intervention

    • Mallory will invite Todd to all of the OT meetings going forward as an optional member

  • If Jackie ever needs Todd to attend an OT meeting because Tom is out, etc., Jackie can reach out to Todd on Slack

  • Todd will be invited to all of the OT meetings going forward as an optional member and will attend OT meetings on an “as-needed” basis,” depending on the agenda topics or specific request from either the OT or the LG

  • The OT-SC will invite Todd to OT-SC meetings as needed

@Mallory Gianola will invite Todd to all of the OT meetings going forward as an optional member

SILS CDL Shared Collections in the Network Zone Project Team: Charge DRAFT

Discuss updates and next steps; ready to take to the OT?

25 mins


  • Questions about the draft charge

    • In the deliverables - are weekly goals needed? Or are they too granular?

      • The reason Caitlin included weekly goals was to have a written expectation of good turnover; this team is doing the needs assessment and creating tasks, and then handing off those tasks to the relevant Operations Subteams; tasks could be bi-weekly, but it’s important to make clear that there are expectations to have quicker turnover

    • Update “FTE” to “time commitment” in Timeline and Time Commitment paragraph

  • Walk-through of Draft Charge for Todd

    • The ultimate objective of this team is to get CDL Shared Collections to a sufficient production level of work in the Alma NZ, and to operationalize the processes such that ongoing work can be managed within the current SILS Governance

    • Charge is iterative; have to do the needs assessment first; after they do the needs assessment, they are empowered to change so that they’re best equipped to handle the work at hand

    • Draft charge looks well conceived, and well thought out

    • Will there be a “should be done later on”?

      • The needs assessment should start with a “should be”

      • One danger is not creating a process that can be routinized across the system

      • Maybe what should happen next can be rolled into the workplan or the milestones; identify what it looks like to have success, and maybe an additional project team can form in the future

        • Operations Subteams would be the groups to come up with the plan of what needs to happen after this group’s work is complete

  • New two-prong fiscal piece

    • CDL found end of year money and transferred it to UCSD; there was then a meeting about how to spend the money

      • Decision was for the CDLNZ Project Team to determine how to spend this money, depending on the needs that are identified from the needs assessment

      • The ultimate accountable people with moving forward with the recommendations based on the needs assessment would be Gunter and Eric; the reason why UCSD is involved is because the staff are technically, fiscally UCSD employees and the Oracle Financial system is based out of UCSD

        • Because this is a movement of resources, that is why Eric and Roger are involved

  • The Director of CDL Shared Print Collections is retiring in September

  • Membership

    • Everything in here is the same; the group reports to OT, but they also report to the joint chairs of the SILS Acquisitions and eResources OSTs, and to both groups at large

    • One change, Sherry Lochhaas will be a full member; we now have 8 full members, so are capped at this point

    • Caitlin has personally spoken to all of the proposed members and everyone has said yes

    • Next Steps: The OT has to approve the draft, then write a welcome letter, and then the members have to get their Supervisor’s approval

  • If OT-SC thinks this is ready, Caitlin will send this to OT today as a pre-read for next week’s meeting

    • Comments or questions should be added to the document so we are prepared to discuss and resolve next week

    • Caitlin will also work on the welcome letters

    • Once the draft charge is approved, Caitlin will work with Gem and Alison to get the Confluence space set-up for this group


@Caitlin Nelson will send the CDLNZ Project Team Proposal to the OT today as a pre-read, and let everyone know that comments or questions should be added to the document before our meeting next week, so we are prepared to discuss and resolve at the meeting
@Caitlin Nelson will start working on the welcome letters for the CDLNZ Project Team
@Caitlin Nelson will work with Gem and Alison to get the Confluence space set-up for the CDLNZ Project Team, once the draft charge is approved

Call with ExL

Update on scheduling the make-up April Call with ExL

3 mins

Jackie / Caitlin

  • Caitlin will send ExL an email today to try to schedule the make-up April meeting with ExL

    • ExL needs to have other folks attend this meeting, who typically do not attend these meetings

  • Jackie is fine whenever the groups can make it happen


@Caitlin Nelson will send an email to ExL today to try to schedule the make-up April meeting with ExL, in addition to the regular May meeting

Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

8 mins


  • See proposed agenda here

  • Agenda Items to Consider:

    • Update from Sarah re: training/webinar on how to get some of the UCOP statistics pulled from Alma

      • Add this to the agenda for next week; also discuss sending a communication out about this training

      • Would be helpful to get a spreadsheet going for the UCOP Statistics topic, so that it is clear who is doing what, by when - Tom and Jackie can work on this

        • Tom and Jackie can reach out to Gem if they have questions or need additional information

    • Update from All-Chairs discussion re: the UC Dissertations in UC Library Search write-up and consolidating this with OARM

      • This will be part of the OARM PT discussion, Tom mentioned this at All Chairs but wasn’t as clear as he wanted to be, so put it in the Slack Channel as well


@Mallory Gianola will add to the agenda for next week’s OT meeting, an update from Sarah re: training/webinar on how to get some of the UCOP statistics pulled from Alma
@Tom Bustos will put in the OT Slack that there are two charges that need approval at the 05/04 OT Meeting, so if folks cannot attend, they need to provide their vote and input via Slack
@Jackie Gosselar and @Tom Bustos will meet on Friday 04/29 to work on preparing a spreadsheet that outlines who is doing what and by when, in regards to the UCOP Statistics
@Caitlin Nelson will reach out to the members of the OARM Project Team and the CDLNZ Project Team to explain her current situation, and see how she can best support them in getting kicked off

Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion








66 mins






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