2023-05-04 Meeting notes


  • Jharina Pascual, (acting vice-chair) UCI

  • Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Kevin Balster, UCLA

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Sarah Lindsey, UCSC (substituting for Tamara)

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

Not in attendance:

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Tamara Pilko, Vice Chair, UCSC (on leave)

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome









Desired Outcome









Record: Michelle


ExL releasing sizable list of enhancement May 7. Sandbox release was 4/24 (schedule):

Share announcements


5 min


Note taker: Kevin
Timekeeper: Sarah Sheets

  • May 7 ExL enhancements

  • No mtg May 11


  • UCLA getting new e-resource staff person, beginning 5/22






Sharing of E-Resources Licensing Information Across UC
Decision Page

Goals in escalation

Edited Decision Summary

CDL feedback

10 min


  • CA: OA group is seeing lots of decisions needed from groups that don’t really exist. Potentially need other groups, but everybody is already overstretched, so not sure how to address

  • SL (CDL): reminder on scope of legal issue: campuses sharing unredacted licenses with each other. Are campuses independent or parts of a whole (UC Regents)? Can we do it informally, or have to go through Counsel.

  • SL (CDL): Notify CDL when more changes are made, so staff can review before sending to OT. May need to separate questions of licensing within Alma vs. licensing in general

  • Need to include technical limitations of Alma, to indicate that this isn’t a SILS issue.

  • SL (CDL): Add some clarification as to why this isn’t an ERES issue to solve.

  • Jharina to take first pass incorporating discussion from today


  • @Paula Pascual to revisit/reword and send out for another review






Local E-resources practices chat/clearing house


Best practices for CZ updates (Natalee) [see new releases]

Local management of Title Transfers (Michelle)


40 min


Previous notes in deliverable

  • MP: Possible next deliverable - e-resource troubleshooting communication

    • JK: Phase 4 had lively Slack channel, but got deleted during transition to Phase 5. There’s a SILS Community Slack, but doesn’t have e-resource channel, so possible path forward. Wouldn’t be responsibility of ERES to answering questions, just a space to ask questions of other colleagues.

    • CA: Possible to have a moderator, in case questions need further investigation, escalation

    • MP: Will bring up at All Chairs

  • SL (CDL): Need permission to create a channel on Community Slack?

    • SL (SC): Not sure if necessary, but probably good practice to inform


  • JK: nothing stands out right now

  • SS: amorphous blob - nothing stands out right now

  • JD: nothing major pressing. For deliverable for sharing e-resource practices/issues (email, Slack, etc.), would be good to have an official venue to document issues as they arise rather than having to remember to bring up at meetings

    • SL (SC): for Slack channel, good practice if people add what department they work in, to provide some context for their perspective/expertise

    • good for channel to be joint acq/eres forum

  • KB: minor issue with some ProQuest historical papers being listed twice.

    • Not in Merced

    • UCR has a few

  • MP: Davis lost access to some titles due to title transfers (example - journal of nutrition). Proactively monitoring transfers, and setting up local subs for high use titles - to be reevaluated later






Wrap Up

Review actions and decisions

10 min


  • Next meeting May 4






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:



  • MP will update multi-collection decision page

  • JP will update licensing decision page


@Paula Pascual to update licensing page

@Michelle Polchow to update multi-collection decision page


















The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu