2024-12-11 Meeting notes


  • Sarah Lindsey, Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam, Vice Chair

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Tom Bustos

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jackie Gosselar

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Xiaoli Li

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Robin Gustafson, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair (out)

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Q2zaKw8sOigllGxQ-fC7SfI2nVHZBxy/view?usp=drive_link



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

10 minutes


  • LG update (Tom)

    • VDX Replacement Team formed

      • Notified Doc

    • Cool (sp?) report

    • Discovery Report

    • Governance and governance structure

      • groups outside of SILS - how will they interact with SILS?

  • AC update (Caitlin)

    • WIP discussed over 2 sessions (introduction during the 1st session and revisited 2 weeks later)

    • CDL shared collections (including shared cataloging, e-resources)

      • when do items come from CDL into SILS?

      • Ex. Open Access proposal - never made it to some SILS members

      • reminder to SILS OT to please distribute this kind of information to colleague who may not attend SILS meetings




Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

3 minutes



  • next meeting is on 12/20/24

  • Gem

    • UCSD export issue, does not include non-AFN ILL items (ticket #07805073)

  • Jackie (UCB)

    • Primo CKG character mapping (ticket #07169844)

    • Unable to create holdings records in the Sandbox (ticket #7805124)

      • Gem did testing during the meeting and was able to get records to stick. Jackie planned to test again.

  • Gem

    • wondering if the UCLA ticket #06276425 regarding CJK Primo is related

    • response from Jackie via chat: “The steps taken: 1. Open bibliographic record in the MDE (successful) 2. Add inventory (or New) holdings "UCB single-part (default)" (successful, ex: PID 221091040140006532) 3. Edit/add values to the holdings record, including 852 (successful) 4. Release record (successful?) 5. Check bib for newly attached holdings (unsuccessful: holdings record is missing)
      Actually, just got a comment on 07169844:
      Hi Jackie,

      Thank you for your update and I am sorry for wrong information sent previously.

      Our development is still working on the corrected CJK mappings, and it will be corrected only in Primo VE February 2025 Release.

      Now I am returning the case status back to Pending Development, as the made fix still needs to be tested. We will keep you updated, once it is finalized and ready to be released.”




Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

11 minutes


  • How to submit an enhancement request (consortial license)

    • Gem plans to post this on 12/17/24

  • Greg

    • escalations - “by design” response regarding non-AFN ILLs

    • Caitlin - filling out an “impact statement” and noting FTE information helps customer support push the issue back to development

    • Gem - suggested trying all the escalation options all at once (impact statement, consortial tickets, etc)

  • Jackie - Just a heads up that Lynn will be sending out a survey on mobile ID requirements

  • Xiaoli will be handing off to Lisa Spagnolo as campus rep, Xiaoli will be taking over Robin’s role on LG (still on this group, but shifting hats)




Continue to discuss presentation from EIMP

  • determine acceptance/non-acceptance of their final report

  • determine draft recommendation for LG

4 minutes


  • For reference: EIMP-PT Final Report

  • Floor opened for discussion

    • no takers

  • Vote to accept/not accept the report as is

    • January - determine implementation of report recommendations



NZ Analytics Design (roles)

  • decide next steps for this recommendation

22 minutes


  • Network Zone Alma Analytics: Design Analytics - Resources

    • SILS Ops Center is ready to make accounts/give roles to campus users

  • Gem - can still create tickets for reports, if we would like them

  • Question from Tom in chat: “Are there any concerns with user licensing over time?  This is in line with Xiaoli’s question of off-boarding.”

    • Is there an auditing process? - Gem does not think we have an official process at this time

    • Gem suggests a yearly account review to help with this issue, deactivate instead of delete in case the account needs to be reactivated

    • Suggestion from Jeremy via chat: “You could create a google doc of all current accounts and just ask the alma admins to confirm who still has accounts”

    • Caitlin - not an immediate concern, but definitely something to be addressed at a later date

    • Suggestion from Jackie - set an expiration date on the accounts, current practice at UCB

  • Caitlin addressed Xiaoli’s comments on the document - answers lie in the NZ deputy process

  • Jeremy asked in chat: “Will there be an announcement of some kind, or will it be up to local Alma admins to let folks know?”

    • Caitlin answered in chat: “a SILS-Cohort email could go out, which can be shared widely locally”

    • Gem would prefer OT to talk with SILS Ops Center about how to distribute this information

  • Add to this document: expiration date of 1 year for accounts

  • qualitative vetting will be done on an individual campus level and not by CDL

  • SILS OT asked if they are ready to approve and then to actually approve.

  • Comment from Caitlin in chat: “This document will become a Decision page under OT, and linked to other stuff on the wiki, including the NZ Deputy”



WIP report

  • Hear from members of the WIP team on updates, discuss issues relevant particularly to the infrastructure section, put your comments in the document for the team to review.

7 minutes


  • WIP Preliminary Report

  • Updated Comment Version as of 12/9

  • Reminder to add written comments - focus on infrastructure section by the end of this week (12/13/24)

  • Can also email SILS-WIPT-L@listserv.ucop.edu with any additional questions.

  • Tom and Caitlin can help clarify

  • PSB architecture question from Jackie - possibly already being addressed according to point #5

  • Jobs question from Jackie - Jackie will add this question to the document




Expanded NZ Access

  • Provide any additional input on this topic and the proposed NZ principles procedures

0 mins


  • Discuss temperature check results following review by SILS OT SC

    • any additional information to share?

  • table for next meeting




Pending projects / materials:

  • FYI updates on anything we’re waiting for

0 mins


  • (Revisit after August / Sept 2024 - revisited last on 11/13/24) Data Forms Privacy - revisit after data policy and privacy project team recommendations have been published

    • revisions are still pending

    • final report will be shared after revisions

    • Still awaiting final report from LG before further action

    • Gem to ask the Patron Data Privacy Team (once they’ve formed): Does the current data privacy form cover the use of patron data from all UC institutions and not just the home institution for appropriate business use? (decided on 11/13/24)

  • Network user records purges (discussion to be continued)

  • OT Work Plan




Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

0 mins






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 mins







57 minutes






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu