2021-03-12 PPC Meeting notes

2021-03-12 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed), Co-Chair

  • @Xiaoli Li , Co-Chair

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

  • Guest:

    • Alison Ray

    • Gem Stone-Logan

Not attending


Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving




Discovery: Working on Boosting, FRBR/Dedup, WorldCat, and renaming UC-eLinks.

RMFG: starting a whole bunch of decision pages (what else is new?). Also trying to finalize some test load criteria for the OCLC daily updates so we can start testing that process. Next week we’ll be talking about ETDs and prepping for the special session on 3/22.

PSELG: finished the decision page for discussion today at PPC

AEFG: Progress on subgroups for 003 Vendor Record/Import Profile Decision Page; and 002 Campus Order Process to Support Systemwide and Other Reporting. Consult w/ RMFG (Liz) and reach-out to GOBI for consulting on 003. Preparation for 3/25 Fiscal Close session. Starting to revisit any data clean-up needs/capacity for final migration/extract prep.

DCFG: Consulting with Calisphere Team on harvesting from Calisphere. We will be presenting on our work to the SILS Working Group next Friday.

Fulfillment: Began testing with ILL Ops on adding/updating/deleting patron stub records in the AFN. Our initial test showed the issues of sharing patron phone data across campuses due to the regex expressions set up locally. The group has amended its recommendation on this in progress decision page about required and shared patron data (Test and Go-Live) UC Network Patron Linked Account Shared Fields and Mandatory Local IZ Patron Fields . The AFN has been configured, and now our group is working on configuring consortial patron blocks.





Approve decisions and recommendations



Alison & Gem, Liz M, Beth, Josephine

  1. (Go Live) Basic WorldCat Discovery Configuration

    1. WorldCat Discovery will be replaced with Basic WorldCat. This is because the UCs have a subscription with OCLC FirstSearch until June of 2022. Local Holdings Record (LHR) will not be turned on. If UCs choose to turn this on, a certain amount of work will be needed to maintain the table. New UI is coming for BWCD. There will be changes. CDL is investigating what will be available on the “Basic” page.

    2. DFG’s role - this decision page belongs to DFG. It may simplify the current decision Discovery was looking at for WCL scope. Exploring using “Get it @UC” as the new name for UC e-links. Are there any limitations DFG should be aware of when creating a new logo for the “Get it” button? Yes. Limitations on size of image; some sites like Google Scholar only accept text.

      1. From chat: I think it's an instruction type issue - "look for the orange icon" - that helped in switching ppl from UC-elinks to UCD-elinks in our local migration.

      2. An icon will be useful for those who are used to looking for the e-links button.

  2. (Test Load + 3 months) Managing work in the Alma NZ instance

    1. How to get access to NZ, or do work in NZ - decision is to approach this in a way that prevents undesired changes to the NZ

    2. Access to be determined on a case by case basis. Could user roles with expiration dates be used to allow access for the scope of a particular action? Or the use of designated positions that could be expired as those roles conclude.

    3. Currently hard to make blanket decisions about how any roles would work.

    4. Next steps - Alison and Gem to add:

      1. language that indicates this is the process we are using now and that it will evolve as we learn more

      2. this is scoped for test load.

      3. Bring back to PPC next week

  3. Recommendations for Primo VE Configuration (Test Load & Production). See corresponding Decision Page

    1. Will there be usability testing for some of the proposed names? Yes.

  4. CDI to manage OA resources (Implementation+Post-live)

    1. All campuses migrate records for OA materials

    2. Recommends forming a cross-functional subteam to investigate CDI for OA and make recommendations. Would need to be folks from RM, JSC or Tech Services, Public Services, Scholarly Communication. April 15th is the suggested date for starting this subgroup.

  5. (Go-live) Local bibliographic data (5XX-9XX)

    1. Campuses will have to move some degree of local data in order to migrate.

    2. Recommendation to standardize fields by end of phase 4 of the project.

  6. (Go-live) Non-OCLC IDs in 035 fields in bibliographic records

    1. Recommend that all $035 fields have a prefix. Those without prefixes will be assumed to be OCLC numbers during migration.

  1. Goes to DFG; they are now responsible for it.

  2. Will be added to PPC agenda for next week

  3. Approved!

  4. Approved!

  5. Approved! And, Lisa will check with AEFG to confirm their approval.

  6. Approved!



Test Load

When can we share the document Collaborative Workflow Testing and with whom (cohort and beyond)?

Scheduling the work, especially those needing cross-FG coordination




Collaborative Workflow Testing

  • Focus on migration decisions first and workflow decisions second. Migration decisions should be made by April 15th. (This can be shifted if time permits or circumstances dictate).

  • PPC should confirm all priority 1 - set by the end of March.

  • This will be a living document

  • Can be shared with cohort. Available in the PPC folder.

  • Confirm FGs will be using the timeline / spreadsheet for scheduling testing and cross-FG coordination.

    • Use it if it’s helpful

    • Each FG will add a tab for their own group





PM Update

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project




https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gYCAr_oZzSo4_NAZ0NIpZcesXnNPcS0oIWjcKgWrK2w/edit - thank you!


List of meetings on Basecamp

  • Thu Mar 18: SIS Overview Meeting

    1. Post questions on/by Monday March 15th to meeting notes Discussion at:  https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/documents/3448541172

  • Mon Mar 22: Using OCLC with Alma - UC-led meeting

  • Thu Mar 25: Fiscal Close - UC-led meeting

    • For Fiscal close meeting - we want to test how you can set a grace period on outgoing fiscal year - and add internal invoices there, etc.)

  • Thu, Apr 1: E-Resources Data Cleanup in Alma w/focus on P2E

  • Mon, Apr 12: AFN Configuration Review (who should name that functionality, FFFG or DFG?)












Parking Lot




Future meeting:

  • AEFG questions that came up were re: coordination of Analytics (cross-function?)

  • and... how the Selector role in Alma is changing (people will care, prob fits w/ AEFG, but overloads us....)

For future meeting: CDL shared services In progress

  • Who from CDL should PPC liaise with?

    • Can CDL create a list of shared services that they will be providing? Would like to create a document that could be shared with cohort.

    • What services is CDL currently doing? What services will CDL be providing in production?











Future agenda items



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu