2021-05-14 PPC Meeting notes

2021-05-14 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed), Co-Chair

  • @Xiaoli Li , Co-Chair

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

Not attending

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)


Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving



RMFG: made an update to this page: (Go-live) Local bibliographic data (5XX-9XX) to allow non-local 936 data to stay in records so long as campuses are sure nothing local is there; almost finalized as far as OCLC, MARCEdit and MDE best practices

DCFG: Rachel and I will be presenting on the FG’s work at the 5/18 Town Hall. Other than that, we’re still working on some of our documentation (decision tree + companion doc).

AEFG: Continued work on our decision pages/MVP items from previous weeks. We discovered that the new 4th & 5th reporting codes in Alma orders will not be indexed in Analytics until the June release, so we will test this functionality then.
New work on MVP 006 (updating base URLs for Alma link resolver) and MVP 008 (reporting broken links to CDL for items in the NZ)
Decision pages for these have been drafted.
We are discussing the transition for already-Alma campuses to EasyActive, which needs to happen before cutover.

Fulfillment and ILL: Voted to approve this decision (Go-Live and Post go-live) Alma/VDX Workflows . Prepping for our digitization meeting w/ Ex-Libris will take place on the 27th during the office hours times. Working on this decision page (Go-Live) Format of Item Owner drop down list (Item Checkout Screen in Alma and Resource Sharing Request Form)





Discuss and approve proposed decisions








  1. (Go-live and beyond) Naming conventions for shared rules, import profiles, and sets in the NZ

    1. Naming conventions for any rules, import profiles, templates or sets added to the NZ should use standardized naming conventions: ‘allUC’ for items that are used across the system or the campus initials (e.g. UCLA, UCSB) if the item is in the NZ and specific to a campus

  1. Approved



CDI decision page

Finalize the page



Page for review:

  • (Go Live) CDI Models: FullyFlexible or EasyActive

    • By end of day 5/17, chairs to make any edits and let us know if this is ready to go.

  • Timing of already-Alma campuses moving to EA before cutover?

    • UCD met with ExL on 5/13 and learned that already-Alma campuses can switch to EA by July 2 (since tech freeze begins Jul 9).


By end of day 5/17 PPC to let us know if the decision page is ready to be shared.
@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) will share via cohort slack on Tuesday.



How do we present this document in such a way that others can absorb what it is saying?

Have all decisions for Day 1 been made? If not, when?

Columns to include in shareable version:

  1. Short description (if available)

  2. Long description

  3. Implemented by

  4. Add a status column (done, in progress, not started)

  5. Links to decision pages (if available) 



  • If we have a status column, that will need to be kept up to date since this document is dynamic and changes.

    • Add a status if your tab does not currently have one; delete any google pages

    • Check this document weekly to see ensure that items are updated with the most recent decision pages.

  • Should we hold a 1 hour meeting to introduce the document or should we let reps present this to their local groups?

    • PPC should write up the background on the MVP for reps to share

  • When will groups be ready for document to be shared?

    • By next Friday, new version


@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) will create shareable version with “view only” link for the MVP
@Xiaoli Li check with CDL about their MVP tab and add status column



EUOS (recurring)

Anything coming up in PPC/FGs that will affect end users and should be shared with EUOS?




  • When will FGs be finished with their day 1 decisions so that EUOS can take screenshots for training purposes?

    • RMFG - still has day 1 decisions coming, but none that will impact the Primo side. Are there any decisions that impact Discovery? Come up with a soft date for when those will be completed. (Liz thinks these are already done, but will let other FGs know if anything could be changing.)

    • AEFG - nothing that impacts Primo side except perhaps the problem report, which could differ by campus.

    • Disco - a couple of pending decisions that will impact the look of Primo: branding. FRBRization, and ‘filter by availability’. Also, campuses are in different places with implementing local decisions about tabs, colors, fonts, etc. Co-chairs to come up with a soft deadline for decisions that affect everyone that we can give to ICs and EUOS. Disco is not recommending any harmonizations, everything is being decided locally.

    • FFG - Are there any decisions remaining that will impact Discovery in how patrons get resources? Currently experiencing “brokenness” with comment fields at various campuses during testing. Also the description drop down is not working as intended. These could lead to changes in the forms that patrons submit. Some. but not all, campuses are using article exchange which will impact users. Also, how fines are paid will be locally decided. Think about a date by which the configs will be complete so that ICs and EUOS can move forward.

Continue to discuss this at the next meeting

All groups need tp come up with a soft deadline for when decisions that affect everyone can be completed; give to ICs and EUOS.

PM Update

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project




  • Ex Libris agreed to provide Alma campuses with 30 days post-go-live access to their old environments (NA02/NA04).

  • ICs will check with their local implementation teams on whether a noon go-live time works.

For Monday project updates and office hours, feel free to skip and watch the recording later if there are no topics or if topics are not a subject of interest.


List of meetings on Basecamp

  • 5/17: Special meeting on Work Orders.

  • 5/17-5/21 Primo VE Workshop Week - Configs, NOT a training

  • 5/24: Weekly Project Update Meeting & Cutover Questions / Topic (Marci/Laurie)

  • 5/24 & 5/25: Analytics Overview 9-10 am. More information soon.

  • 5/27 Digitization workflows (FFFG). Questions are due May 13

  • Thurs July 15: TENTATIVE – “What to Expect” Cutover Session (Laurie)











Parking Lot




Future meeting:

  • AEFG questions that came up were re: coordination of Analytics (cross-function?)

  • and... how the Selector role in Alma is changing (people will care, prob fits w/ AEFG, but overloads us....)












Future agenda items



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