2020-06-26 PPC Meeting notes
@Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)
@Claudia Horning (Unlicensed)
@Elizabeth Miraglia
@Lisa Spagnolo
@Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)
@Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)
@Caitlin Nelson
@Xiaoli Li
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , interim PM
Not attending
@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM
@Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)
Discussion items
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Check-in / updates |
| 2:30-3:00pm | All |
2 | Pending decisions that affect data migration for Vanguard | Approve the decisions so Vanguard institutions can prepare their files | 3:00-3:30pm | FG Chairs | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PPC/pages/493814340 - approved Bibliographic records to leave out of the Vanguard NZ - approved Bibliographic records 9xx fields mapping for Vanguard - approved Non-OCLC IDs in 035 fields in bibliographic records for the Vanguard (short) - approved Local 856 bibliographic data for the Vanguard (short) - approved Vendor Data for Migration to Test Global Vendor File in Vanguard- approved Vanguard local RLF bibliographic record migration- approved P2E Recommendations for Vanguard - approved https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PPC/pages/591069213 - approved
| These 9 decisions were approved. (Request from ICs) Add “triaging” information to the decision pages to help campuses know which pieces of a decision are the most important assuming they can’t get everything done. Priority/importance may vary by campus depending on the campus' technical environment. Include a “do nothing” option. | @Lisa Spagnolo will fill in the action log for the parts she knows about for https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PPC/pages/591069213 |
3 | Training upcoming (recurring agenda) | Awareness of upcoming vanguard training. Chairs to remind their groups. Ensure everyone got the invite with Zoom info. Meetings: Mondays 1-2 and Thursdays 10-12pm. | 3:30-3:40pm | Caitlin, Lena | Alma Essentials / Admin Fundamentals:
Alma Certification:
What ExL meetings are what? Office hours: post questions 3 business days ahead of time. PMs will attempt to slot people into the Office hours 2-hour time slot. Let PMs know if you have questions and need a slot at office hours. Post questions in basecamp in the appropriate meeting To Do by EOD Monday for Office hours Thursdays. Share zoom link/invite. For Mondays training Q&A, post questions by EOD Wednesday. Put questions here in Basecamp. |
4 | SILS Chairs meeting | Awareness of upcoming agendas; Surface topics for discussion; Seek advice and volunteers to present. | 3:40-3:45 | Lena |
5 | PPC subgroup CDL-managed Data in the NZ | Awareness of approved subgroup: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fb2F_6TZXhc093X2sL__OlUtslYMhJ8Wj2C6t-ZZt_U/edit |
| Chair |
6 | Alma Migration Considerations for Consortia | Review the information to ensure all the areas are covered | 3:45-4:00pm | Chair | Postponed from 6/19 meeting; Did not get to this 6/26 either |
7 | Homework |
| Cancel next week’s PPC SC on July 1 and PPC meeting on July 3 Integrations: Aeon - will it be tested in the Vanguard? Not every campus is using it. Looking ahead to work in PPC this summer: Assessment and test planning in the FGs - what does success look like? what are we expecting to see? what if we don’t see it. Configuration, visioning while we’re waiting for the vanguard data load. “Rinse and repeat”: evaluate our data in the vanguard: what changes do we need to make to the data? what decisions are needed? A new cycle of decision-making begins to inform the test load. |
| @Xiaoli Li will cancel next week’s PPC SC on July 1 and PPC meeting on July 3 |
8 | Parking Lot |
9 |
| TOTAL | 90 / 90 |
Future agenda items
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu