2020-07-31 PPC Meeting notes




  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Xiaoli Li

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , interim PM

Not attending

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates


2:30-2:55pm (25 mins)


  • The decision for loading SCP/SFX data has been revised after several meetings with ExL. Shifts the focus on looking for what data is missing and providing it, rather than cleaning up the data/duplicates which would be overwhelming.

  • RMFG will be looking at forming a small subgroup to talk about local authorities and also looking at testing OCLC update service during the Vanguard.

  • DCFG: We’ve finished our environmental scan. Now we’re starting to assess how other universities are using Primo to make digital collections discoverable; also starting to investigate impact/opportunities in SILS for HathiTrust

  • Fulfillment: will meet with Cathy and Lynne (from the RLF SILS Planning Group, co-chairs) to discuss RLFs with Ex Libris, particularly ensuring the rota reflects our preference for RLFs first in our test fulfillment network. Elizabeth will summarize what we desire to provide to Ex Libris. Requests such as this should go through the PM group to coordinate with Ex Libris PM.

  • AcqERM: Started 3 subgroups to follow up on our related configuration form items; continuing our testing discussion.

  • Caitlin was asked by GOBI for a meeting to describe their services; this will now be passed off to TSELG.

  • Danelle thanked Caitlin for visiting ASCELG and describing the governance structure and how their group fits in and how decisions flow through the structure. Lots of concerns around cataloging or discovery in ASCELG. Danelle asked if Liz (RM) and Josephine (Discovery) would speak to ASCELG about what’s happening to address archives and special collections in their groups.




Configuration Form work

Understand and document which lines in the config form are “under consideration”

2:55-3:00 (5 min)


FGs should document their work, status, recommendations here: Vanguard Configuration Form

Audience: local campus group or IC who is filling out the config form.

Do you only want line items under considerations or should we put everything? Put everything.

New row for each item? Yes. Repeat the tab name for each row.

Mostly Liz, Lisa and Elizabeth’s are the relevant groups who will be doing this work.

Finish vanguard configuration form “holds” by August 7

@Elizabeth Miraglia@Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed) and @Lisa Spagnolo will Finish vanguard configuration form “holds” by August 7 Vanguard Configuration Form

Timeline Review

Awareness of upcoming activities

3:00-3:10 (10 min)


Caitlin’s Working copy: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ci0jtgDusouiJRkMyLrq4EXj10_EsU6epqWcdXRlDSY/edit#gid=0

Basecamp to-dos: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todosets/2379093663

Special topics: Shared Vendor tentative for August 27th. They want questions and “what exactly do you want to learn about” two weeks in advance = Aug 13th deadline to Basecamp




Training upcoming (recurring agenda)


Awareness of upcoming vanguard training. Chairs to remind their groups.

3:10-3:15pm (5 mins)


  • Get ready for Resource Management part 2

  • Fulfillment Network Config stuff




SILS Chairs meeting

Awareness of upcoming agendas; Surface topics for discussion; Seek advice and volunteers to present.

3:15-3:20 (5 mins)


  • Add to 8/14 agenda: Testing in the vanguard environment.




Testing coordination for the Vanguard environment and configuration

ILS Data Cleanup group on coordinating testing planning with the FGs: What balls are there, and who’s got them? Should test cases and findings be shared and how?

3:20-3:40 (20 min)

Caitlin, Catherine Busselen, TJ Kao

Question: Where do other kinds of testing live? What artifact would be the best for that?

Config form guidelines:

  • ILSDC Aug 14th

  • PDS Aug 17th

  • PPC Aug 21st

PDS wil take patron data tab

PPC will make notes on any tabs as necessary, then after Aug 17th PPC will own it.



Decision pages: Taxonomy for tagging groups in Confluence and more

Introduce taxonomy and best practices documents. Ask PPC to edit as needed.

Actions from 7/14 SILS Chairs meeting:

  1. PMs to consider working with chairs on a best practices page for decisions.

  2. PMs to investigate Question: will the decision status get updated automatically in rollups and will you get notified?

  3. PMs to work with PPC to investigate how we could make an authoritative set of tags (labels) for each group, and create decision rollups for each group to monitor decisions where they are consulted. (see Josephine’s example rollup and labels). Consider using names from abbreviation glossary. (Do groups want PMs to do this for them?)

  4. (from premortem) Groups should use a stakeholder inventory to ensure all voices are heard in decision-making. 

  5. Add “Assessment” to Decision pages.

3:40-3:50 (10 mins)

Lena, All

Taxonomy: Group agreed it would be a good idea to have a canonical list of acronyms / tags.

  • Perhaps once this is approved, we can add the canonical acronym to our Confluence home page, e.g., Policy and Practice Coordinators (PPC)?

  • Change to taxonomy to a Confluence page once approved

Best Practices: group can take a look this week and suggest changes to the best practices by next meeting.

  • Change to confluence page once approved.

Rollups: Once we tag the people who are being consulted - do you want the PMs to create one for everyone? To be determined later.



PPC members to review the Taxonomy for tagging groups in Confluence and best practices page for decisions by Aug 7 PPC meeting. Edit taxonomy for your group’s name as desired.





Liz M will follow up with Basecamp about order of NZ loading confusion with UCSB




Parking Lot

  • Suggestions for 2-hour Office Hours with Ex Libris

    • authority control

    • what data is “locked-in” and when for the test load implementation? (tentative for Aug 20)





@Caitlin Nelson to slack the ICs and SILS Chairs about the shared vendor and data lock-in special topics.



80 / 90





Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu