2023-02-08 Meeting notes


  • Thomas Bustos, Chair

  • Jackie Gosselar, Vice Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Sarah Lindsey

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Neil Weingarten

  • Todd Grappone, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://uci.zoom.us/rec/share/oIEWQuOulgnCvwrX_UM2TKf3Lo5q5tt0i-zTehVQdb3N-RE1dgTsYY5LzPQx_cYn.fI69uoLdZn8NBjiJ and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mRLiSO00fRZgm4aiUiJkD36ldd_DsylN/view?usp=drive_link



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

9 minutes





Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

12 minutes


  • Analytics UI

    • Group asked if they’ve used it yet.

    • Some campuses have used this feature.

      • more date range flexibility

  • Alma licensing updates and changes have led to some confusion and input of tickets, need to explore this topic more

    • discussed more in the listserv

  • Discussion on Alma features releases

    • updates are on an ongoing basis

    • most testing is done in the sandbox

      • ExL expects campuses to bring up the majority of issues during the sandbox testing phase

    • Questions/points to address at next ExL meeting:

      • how is beta testing done?

      • how can we share feedback prior to production?

      • perhaps notify stakeholders of new features ready to test in the sandbox?




Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

11 minutes

Tom / Team

  • See final point above in “Q & A Session” agenda item.

  • Next meeting is at the end of February

  • ExL representatives to visit UCLA soon

  • Primo

    • new records are not appearing

      • individual tickets created as well as a consortial ticket by Gem

      • communication on these individual tickets needs improvement

        • are they putting most of their efforts into the consortial ticket? where are the updates to all the campuses on that broader ticket?


@Tom Bustos or @Todd Grappone to Slack LG and share this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1soKNXHjyR58qnlJf2V6x-Yhen4y8SQCaUIjhB7lFg40/edit

Slack Best Practices

3 minutes


  • Vote taken to adopt these Slack Best Practices

Slack Best Practices document adoption approved

@Caitlin Nelson to clean up, distribute, and find a permanent location in Confluence for this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yQSjqwwaxY4_J4vfJq3tB8dxAvaFTj_rVw7eNzDJ8cI/edit#heading=h.onpll6ebny61

POL Data

  • Discuss data for use in UCB project

11 minutes


  • email sent on 2/3/23

    • Synopsis: No official policy on the use of POL non-fund data, decision made to present to local campuses

    • UCB anticipates sharing the outcome of this project

  • Feedback from campuses

    • UCI, UCM, UCSC, UCSF - approval granted

      • There were some questions from UCI Law and UCSC, but those will be addressed by Jackie later on an individual basis

    • UCSB, UCSD, UCLA - still awaiting feedback from stakeholders (objections are not anticipated)




RLF Configuration Project Team post-mortem

3 minutes


  • Voted to discharge on 1/25/23

  • What are the main takeaways that might be action items for OT or LG? What did we learn for the future?

  • table for next meeting




SILS Membership Transition Processes: Operations Team Recommendations

2 minutes


  • LG has approved the transition recommendation and sent it up to DOC for feedback approval.

  • All Chairs are very interested in the role transition, but want to wait for most activities until closer to the June/July transition timing.




California Alma conference in Aug/Sept


6 minutes


  • recent email sent on 2/6/23 regarding this topic: first in-person meeting of ELUNA users of California (eCAUG) group

  • Topics discussed

    • networking/in person opportunities

    • keep costs low (no registration fee)

    • may have 2 conferences (north and south)

      • looking at Oakland for a possible northern location

    • Contact Caitlin if you’re interested in hosting




OT topics for Town Hall

  • Discuss possible topics to share at the next Town Hall

1 minute

Tom / Team

  • Reminder to send in topics or bring them up at our next meeting




Review/Update OT Workplan

  • Follow-up discussion on review/update to the OT Workplan from OT-SC meeting

0 minutes

Tom / Team

  • table for next meeting




Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

0 minutes






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 minutes


  • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

  • SILS Ops Center would like to have a “Communication Tools Policies” page where we document the current best practices and policies for Slack, Confluence, Google Docs, email etc. Create draft and discuss in SILS OT.

  • Discuss the retention and purging of Network user records in our respective Alma environments, primarily from a data security and privacy standpoint.






58 minutes






The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu