2024-10-16 Meeting notes

2024-10-16 Meeting notes


  • Sarah Lindsey, Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam, Vice Chair

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Tom Bustos

  • Greg Ferguson (out)

  • Jackie Gosselar (out)

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • Xiaoli Li

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • John Riemer

  • Zach Silveira

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Robin Gustafson, Past SILS Leadership Group Chair

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

Meeting Recording

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16b0r_qyXdImfKv1arX1Xw5Mq6gisn3dq/view?usp=drive_link



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

4 minutes


  • AC update (Sarah)

    • Caitlin has continued to support the chairs and offer guidance

    • Process for reporting SILS concerns - support document forthcoming

  • LG update (Robin)

    • LG accepted the final report from Named Accounts project team

    • set the stage for updates related to EIMP and OARM project team proposals

    • additional information from Tom - currently finalizing the process for reporting concerns (pertains mostly to Chairs and VCs, but should be noted by all members of all groups)




Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

4 minutes



  • next meeting is 10/18/24

  • Gem - reviewed the current agenda items and asked for additional items to be sent via Slack before Friday.

  • Caitlin

    • ExL support team, while they seem nice, do not currently see these issues as their concern

    • noted that the Workstream Improvement Process (WIP) will be useful in handling these types of issues




Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

12 minutes


  • Gem - asked if there’s interest in becoming more involved in ExL’s response to our tickets

    • Providing feed back on questions such as:

      • Are tickets taking too long?

      • Are responses unsatisfactory/incomplete/unproductive?

  • Caitlin shared this proposal: Alma Jobs and Predictability

    • Core questions: How do we prove that things are not performing as expected, as smoothly as expected, etc.? How do we generate the proof required by ExL when submitting tickets?

    • ExL is due to report back to us by the end of November

    • will be meeting on Monday 10/21 regarding these ideas

    • Ask to all OT members: if you feel a job is taking too long, please submit a ticket and communicate that ticket to Gem/Caitlin to bring up with ExL

  • Sandbox vs. Production issues - Lakshmi noted recent mail server issues and associated workticket and response from ExL in regards to this issue

    • suggestion posed by Tom: we should look at if things work better in the sandbox vs. production, if they do that’s not helpful in predicting functionality and is something ExL should address

  • Side note: Gem shared that reindexing starts in November

    • a suggestion was made to test things or run additional jobs during reindexing (test the system)

  • Caitlin asked if we should investigate how many campuses are negatively affected by current ticket responses from ExL




Discuss presentations by both OARM and EIMP

  • decide OT role in regards to these project teams

  • determine draft recommendation for LG?

24 minutes


  • OT is to discuss the presentations and share their thoughts - these will be shared with LG

  • clarifying note: it is not OTs role to decide if the new teams are formed (that’s an LG decision)

  • Discussion points:

    • John - feels a new group is not necessary and volunteered to write a proposal for the Shared Cataloging Program Advisory group vs. creating a new group as proposed by OARM

    • later added declaring the Shared Cataloging Program Advisory Cte a partial SILS group with a “heavy dotted line relationship”

    • Sarah - people see SILS as a decision making body, even though they are not

    • Gem - CKGs are not decision making bodies and that could be why people are trying to get them in SILS

      • Sarah - the CKGs are pre-SILS groups

      • LG is also not in charge of shared cataloging

    • John - suggestion for EIMP to talk to Doc about revisiting what the CKGs are authorized to do

    • Caitlin - feels that SILS adjacent items should come to this entity, includes all consortium issues, and new groups should be formed if needed; there’s also a concern about burnout and the need to stop doing other work to make room for new work; also pointed out that SILS groups are representative, but don’t necessarily include experts on the topic being discussed

    • Jeremy asked in chat: can’t an existing group spin off a small interest group to make recommendations to that already-existing group?

    • Gem asked in chat: can an OST group create a team that isn’t exclusive to existing OST members?

      • Caitlin - small groups of experts could bring recommendations to the OSTs

      • Caitlin in response to Gem’s chat: yes, they can bring in “guest experts” at any time, but when we’re talking about permanent work I think it’s a different question

      • John noted in chat: didn’t RM OST feel they have insufficient bandwidth to take on what OARMPT wanted to address?

        • Caitlin thought so as well

    • Xiaoli - prefers not having a new team, instead look at the existing charge of the group and to see if they can incorporate necessary resources or give them the flexibility to create subgroups

    • Caitlin - pointed out that these groups want to ultimately have decision making power

      • favors having the OSTs as the home base for decision making, other expert groups can advise the OST

    • Sarah - is there a way to incorporate the current CKGs?

    • Gem - suggested ways to communicate information better (current SILS cohort, Slack, etc are fairly quiet right now), perhaps use current communication channels more effectively

    • Caitlin noted in chat: SILS All Chairs is a good place to also bring in communication from smaller groups

      • Gem responded in chat: I’m not sure AC discussions always make it back to the OSTs unless it’s directly related to that OSTs work? It might depend on the OST.

    • Tom - LG is trying to get ahead of issues

      • CKGs have been around for a long time without a change to their charge - perhaps time for LG to reevaluate this and give them decision making power?

      • Caitlin noted in chat: in favor of reviewing existing charges for CKGs or other advisory groups. Tagged John - I think SCP-AC could use a refresh regardless of this discussion. and the CKGs




Expanded NZ Access

  • provide updates to start local campus discussions

  • discuss approval process

9 minutes


  • Expanded NZ Access is asking for assistance from OT - asking if the proposed NZ principles procedures are appropriate

    • this document is currently in the feedback stage

  • Caitlin - is it appropriate to get feedback from all the OSTs?

    • Clarification from Gem: After the OSTs have given feedback, there will be a revision of the procedures. Then, it would come to OT.

  • Sarah noted that everyone needs to agree to these principles before we move forward

    • CDL Shared Collections is being consulted first




Student Mobile IDs

  • any updates to this topic?

4 minutes


  • Lakshmi to provide additional information on UCI’s OneCard system




Pending projects / materials:

  • FYI updates on anything we’re waiting for

0 mins


  • (Revisit after August / Sept 2024) Data Forms Privacy - revisit after data policy and privacy project team recommendations have been published

    • revisions are still pending

    • final report will be shared after revisions

    • Still awaiting final report from LG before further action

  • Network user records purges (discussion to be continued)

  • OT Work Plan




Executive Session

Private discussion as needed

0 mins






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 mins







57 minutes






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