2020-11-20 PPC Meeting notes


  • @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed), Co-Chair, will be late

  • @Xiaoli Li , Co-Chair

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Danelle Moon (Unlicensed)

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia

  • @Elizabeth Rodriguez (Unlicensed)

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed)

  • @Lisa Spagnolo

  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) PM

Not attending


Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving



RMFG: we are mostly done with the load order decision but ran into a snag when there was a misunderstanding by Liz about whether the order was set for go-live as well. Thank you to Christine for confirming with Laurie at the last minute! The meeting before Thanksgiving was cancelled to give everyone a break.

DCFG: CDL has harvested the Calisphere collections that were selected by Vanguard campuses into Primo. You can find the collections in Primo here. (NB for Discovery: it would be useful if the search scope at a given campus is set up tp display digital content from other campuses)

IC-PPC Ex Libris Subgroup A (Liz): Retracting my previous notes and agenda item. I spoke with Lynne and Carlo and we’ll be working up a draft together and then sending it around to both the ICs and PPC for further comment. Stay tuned!

DISCOVERY: Continuing with usability testing subgroup work in partnership with FG’s.

AEFG: Good feedback for 11/16 P2E session - with thanks. 11/18 meeting time was devoted to E-Resources Migration session with Ex Libris. Next meeting is 12/2. Participating in Discovery FG subgroup; CDI discussions, other asynchronous work. Resuming last testing after Thanksgiving break.

PSELG: Continuing to gather information about UC OA cataloging policy.

Fulfillment: Reviewing Fulfillment configuration form from Vanguard, and identifying any changes and additions we need to include for Test configuration. Finalized Strategy for Resource Sharing with Worldshare ILL and NCIPintegration decision pages to move along to PPC/ICs.


Add group updates ahead of meeting



Decisions needed

Review and approve decisions

What decisions are still pending which will impact task load?





Approve the following decisions:



@Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) List out what is included in the “UCS Network” scope


Debrief after SILS Chairs

How will PPC approach this?





In December, @Xiaoli Li , @Claudia Horning (Unlicensed) and @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) to create the Google sheet and chairs can review.

HathiTrust and CDI



Liz M

The SCP Advisory Committee met on 11/16 and a few people mentioned HathiTrust records. This might be a subset of the current PSELG decision to some extent but campuses are curious as to whether it’s worth exploring the use of CDI for HathiTrust resources since that would be another category that could be left out of the go-live migration. Campus practices around when/how to add HT resources to their local catalogs varies pretty widely and current SCP policy is to accept HT links if they show up in records but they aren’t considered “cataloged” in the regular sense. They aren’t tracked, SCP doesn’t take responsibility for maintaining them or guaranteeing access or anything like that.

Is this topic worth exploring for go-live?

Concern that focus on this issue will divert attention from other more important issues. Park this idea for now as a discussion/pilot project for post go-live.

The priority for now is focusing on saving $ (where we can negotiate better together) and more efficiencies with workflows

Park this idea for now as a discussion/pilot project for post go-live.



PM Update




  • The full list of Alma trainings and timeline can be found at

    • Dec 7 project update & Resource Management part 1 (1 hour) - questions due by 12/2

    • Dec 14 project update & Resource Management part 2 (1 hour) - questions due by 12/9

  • Implementation test load activities and dates: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todolists/3078940349

  • Implementation timeline:












Parking Lot




  • December: revisit

  • January 2021: Testing continuity of service:

  • For January: CDL shared services

    • Who from CDL should PPC liaise with?

    • Can CDL create a list of shared services that they will be providing? Would like to create a document that could be shared with cohort.

    • What services is CDL currently doing? What services will CDL be providing in production?











Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu