2 | PM update | PM briefs team on any relevant news from the SILS world | 5 | Joanna (in abstentia) | Ongoing PM needs for after April 30th How should EUOS stay in the loop for Primo VE decisions or decisions that will effect end users? Idea: recurring agenda item for PPC: is there something coming up that will effect end users and should be shared with EUOS? Flag in PPC and hand off to EUOS. Q for EUOS: can you provide bullet points/criteria on how to identify if a new feature would effect end users and should be communicated? A: Hard to answer this question b/c we don’t even know what decisions are really being considered, but in general, if an end user (patron) would use it, then it is of concern. For example, these are some questions we anticipate, or have already received: Anything related to searching, filtering, ranking results Anything related to “what happens to finding/borrowing materials outside of the UCs” - we see this question coming in from patrons already Anything related to getting to full text of things (articles, books, etc.) Anything related to borrowing/fulfillment/access to collections (locally or among UCs or outside of UCs) Including ability to pick up materials at other campuses - we think this has been answered for UC materials, still waiting about Worldcat materials Including ability to use your campus library card and go to any other campus and just borrow things (without first requesting) - we think this has been answered Including use of third party tools like Aeon for Special Collections
Anything related to tools that some campuses have (e.g. Browzine) that they will miss if they don’t see it anymore Anything related to saved searches from existing Primo or other catalog accounts Anything related to finding OA materials Etc….
Idea: Add time to the SILS Chairs agenda for EUOS to talk about their work and solicit content. Recurring or one time/as needed. Q for EUOS: would this be helpful? A: Not as helpful as suggestion #1 above. We attend SILS chairs and follow up with folks if they mention things that seem to be relevant to EUOS anyway.
Upcoming: [Updated with answers] Q1: Will UC staff/faculty/students be able to pick up materials at any UC (ex. the library closest to them)? (Will pick up anywhere be turned on?) Q2: If there is saved stuff in Melvyl right now, is it going to be deleted? With Zombie Melvyl, will it still be deleted? A: saved searches may be available in Basic Worldcat to all campuses except Merced. Saved searches will be in Basic Worldcat Discovery (BWCD), not in Primo VE. User accounts in Basic Worldcat Discovery (BWCD aka “Zombie Melvyl”) will remain (except for UC Merced user account since those are tied to OCLC’s WMS). Gem and Alison will reach out to EUOS-SC about how to communicate this.
Q3: What does harmonize Primo VE help pages for a UC audience mean? what is meant by harmonize Primo VE help page? Plan is probably to have guidelines, and local campuses can tailor for their needs (decision page needed)? Yes, since it’s part of the charge, create a decision page to explain the reasoning for not harmonizing the pages and what the alternative plan is and recommendation (users will get help directly from the local library using the ways they know best). After draft decision page is made, consult with Discovery FG to see if any considerations were missed/want to add anything. Give Dicovery an pportunity to weigh in or ask questions.
How to help users with Primo VE? Users will get help in the way they know best – directly through the library
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