2024-07-17 OT-SC Meeting notes

2024-07-17 OT-SC Meeting notes


  • Sarah Lindsey, Chair

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

  • Jackie Gosselar (Past SILS OT Chair - optional) (out)



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Ex Libris support


0 min





All Chairs meeting update


1 minute


  • next meeting is Friday 7/19/24

    • first meeting Lakshmi will attend





Ex Libris “bug blitz”

Decide how to advise Gem for tomorrow’s meeting

0 min


  • Background: “There's an ELUNA/IGeLU  Steering Committee/Coordinators meeting scheduled for Thursday. I'm looking at the agenda and it looks like we (?) will be voting an Ex Libris' plans for fixing 'normal' priority defects (I assume normal means in terms of severity, but I'm not sure). Option 1 is to keep developing as planned and more than 75% of normal bugs will get solved within 12 months.  Option 2 is a "bug blitz" where more than 75% of normal bugs will get solved within 6 months. (I am checking to see if the CCoP Steering committee liaison has more info.)This is coming straight from the agenda, I have no more information at the moment. However, do you think UC has a preference? With no other information, I'd choose fixing bugs because buggy software constantly impedes staff efficiencies. However, I am very biased when it comes to this sort of thing. What do you all think?”

  • Decision to discuss this asynchronously?




Negotiations Team Briefing


0 mins


  • table for next meeting




OT Workplan

  • currently more of a checklist of tasks, annual or otherwise

54 minutes


  • Document for discussion: New OT Workplan

    • original topics tabled for the next SILS OT SC meeting

  • Discussion with Lakshmi regarding the OT Workplan

    • design and purpose of the plan

    • importance of OST check-ins and monitoring their workplans

      • temperature check of OSTs and estimate the impact of those groups - valuable in reporting back to LG

      • advocate for these groups as well (helpful in this era of shrinking budgets)

      • ask OSTs questions:

        • how can we pull in more people from other areas?

        • create subgroups of 2-3 people with more than just the Chair or VC?

    • what would we like to see as SILS moves into a new phase

      • work will be more focused on the UCs as a whole as opposed to individual campuses

    • in this 4th year of our contract, it’s time to critically evaluate Alma to advise LG (may potentially consider another RFP)

      • capture more than just the “beeves” and capture the positives too

    • Caitlin will create a proposal of our new plan/ideas - run it by SILS OT SC first and then SILS OT


@Caitlin Nelson to present the idea to AC of making this the year of assessment for our OSTs (idea of taking action “for the patron”)
@Caitlin Nelson to create a proposal of our new plan/ideas for OSTs to present asynchronously first to SILS OT SC and later to SILS OT

Known Issues

  • Discussion of “do we actually do this?”

0 mins


  • This came up both from Gem and the notion of “closed tickets without a resolution”. How, if at all, do we want to pursue?

    • make this an OT Workplan eventually?

    • tabled for next meeting




Executive Session

  • Private Discussion

0 mins






Build agenda for next OT meeting

  • Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

5 minutes


  • See proposed agenda here


@Anna Arrieta to Slack this document to SILS OT: EIMP PT Update for Operations, June 2024

Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 mins


  • Future requests for data

    • Question: do they fall under the privacy agreement we all signed or should there be a separate agreement that needs to be signed?

    • Concern: accidental data viewing vs. purposeful ask for specific data ahead of time - possible contract violations?

  • Signature Success Program

    • paused until after contract renegotiations are complete

    • Prioritized List:

      • Insufficient IZ/NZ integration

      • Insufficient support

      • Limited documentation

      • Insufficient Analytics functionality

      • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

      • Alma usability

      • Quality of CZ collections

      • Acquisitions process improvements






60 minutes






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