2022-05-05 SILS Ops Meeting Notes
@Alison Ray (CDL) NZ Admin, CDL
@Caitlin Nelson SILS Service Manager, CDL
@Joseph Ferrie CDL
@Gem Stone-Logan NZ Admin, CDL
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | STANDING ITEM: review Task Report | any blockers on tasks? | 5 | all |
2 | STANDING ITEM: Any AskSILS / SILS News or other tool requests? | Are there blockers for anything that’s come in? Are there any we need to talk about? | 5 | CN | OARM-PT and CDLNZ-PT set up: CN has been doing this, no problems so far. |
3 | tools review (sils ops space opening?) (team) May 5, 2022 | Decide whether we want to open or not | 5 | Team |
| @Caitlin Nelson open up silsopscenter space & add SOC to homepage @Caitlin Nelson slack and/or email cohort about new space & reminder of other comm. pathways |
4 | Lena’s website thing | rubber stamp this & who gets to do it? | 1 | Lena | Possible website cleanup (low priority) --edit this sentence (on the SILS web page): “Learn more about the SILS project, including the history, contacts, and news.” https://cdlib.org/services/d2d/sils/ (It’s right after the opening paragraph). Maybe “Learn about the SILS governance, including rosters, news, and history”? (edited) |
| @Alison Ray (CDL) update https://cdlib.org/services/d2d/sils/ cdlib web sentence to “Learn about the SILS governance, including rosters, news, and history” May 13, 2022 |
5 | Anna Striker, WEST message | questions: What does WEST need? (NZ could do analytics report(s), NOT extracts) → how/who gets this info? How often does this happen? ans: every other year Bandwidth: |
| C, G, & A | “I'm currently working with WEST members to get their records for retained materials and I got a question from one of the UC campuses that I'm hoping you can help me with. The task we're asking them to do is to publish a file of holdings records for the materials they've committed for WEST and UCL Shared Print, which we will load into AGUA so we have a record of the work they've completed. They're asking if it's possible, in our new SILS environment, for us (CDL) to do this work for them. This is certainly beyond my capabilities, but is this something that CDL is able to do (either is capable of doing at all in the current architecture or has the bandwidth to do), either now or in the future?” |
| @Gem Stone-Logan do ref int with Anna Striker about WEST/AGUA needs |
6 | Awareness: Alma Jobs | Awareness about Alma functionality and discussion of what if anything we can do. |
| GSL | Alma jobs often imply they are finished before they really are. Sometimes we can wait for them.
| @Gem Stone-Logan Record example of multi-match job not finishing. See if can find example of when UCB records didn’t completely appear in NZ immediately. @Gem Stone-Logan Create a draft of Ex Libris ticket for discussing it not being clear when jobs finish. |
7 | update for NZ approved users; What’s the status on this? | Get a current list of approved requesters on the SOC space |
| CN | This is the list of approved job requesters - we need to get it up to date with All Chairs, and post a list of approved folks. There was not one specific page with a list - there were several decision pages with the approved people. |
| @Alison Ray (CDL) find phase 4 page(s) of approved requesters for NZ changes; put back into soc agenda when link is found (next steps, review & make ask of all chairs)
8 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
9 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Collections process automation; Let’s wait until the needs assessment of CDL Shared Collections re:SILS has been started. (Joe/Gem) should silsops sign up for Crossref Status updates? (alison) enable public (anonymous) view of user profiles in confluence? (Alison) add ‘term’ (years member will serve in sils gov; eg “Alison Ray, 2022-2026”) to SILS Rosters page Jun 15, 2023 |
10 |
| Total | x/x |
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