2022-06-23 SILS Ops Meeting Notes
@Alison Ray (CDL) NZ Admin, CDL
@Caitlin Nelson SILS Service Manager, CDL
@Joseph Ferrie CDL
@Gem Stone-Logan NZ Admin, CDL
Lena Zentall, CDL (only Thursdays)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | STANDING ITEM: review Task Report | any blockers on tasks? | 5 | all |
2 | STANDING ITEM: Any AskSILS / SILS News or other tool requests? | Are there blockers for anything that’s come in? Are there any we need to talk about? | 5 | CN | messages weren’t coming in since 7 Jun, appear to be coming in now… for any messages since 7 June, send to sils-cohort to resend to asksils-l & cc sils-sysops@cdlib.org |
| @Alison Ray (CDL) to make ticket with ucop it Jun 24, 2022 @Alison Ray (CDL) for any messages since 7 June, send to sils-cohort to resend to asksils-l & cc sils-sysops@cdlib.orgJun 23, 2022 @Gem Stone-Logan troubleshoot 6/23/22 email from ucsb |
3 | x training ‘official’ list |
| all |
| drop in stuff as we think of it |
4 | resource sharing restrictions x training |
| 7ish | Alison | had a lot of good time with this x training |
5 | F+RS OST github | interest from F+RS OSTs in having a joint github team/repo. first use case: sharing xlsts for notices | 7 | AMR | SOC admin can create/assign teams & that team can do what’s needed in that space |
6 | SILS connect | ?review the charge for sils connect & see if some other format or formation would make more sense? | ?? |
| wait for caitlin | |
7 | Alma consortia listserv | Neither Gem nor Alison have gotten any responses to get onto Alma consortia listserv |
| wait for caitlin |
8 | who & how submit a ners enhancement | (SOC has internal documentation to submit enhancement to NERS) who is ‘allowed’ to submit NERS enhancements in UC? (anyone? just cohort??) make a wiki ‘documentation’ page in SOC page of procedure for the ‘who’ to submit enhancement |
| wait for caitlin |
9 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
10 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Jun 30, 2022 (Lena): Regional Library Facilities (RLF) Tool for Checking Holdings : to host or not to host this page Collections process automation; Let’s wait until the needs assessment of CDL Shared Collections re:SILS has been started. (Joe/Gem) should silsops sign up for Crossref Status updates? (alison) enable public (anonymous) view of user profiles in confluence? (Alison) add ‘term’ (years member will serve in sils gov; eg “Alison Ray, 2022-2026”) to SILS Rosters page Jun 15, 2023 |
11 |
| Total | x/x |
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